Journal #2815

Posted 18 years ago2005-12-17 07:57:11 UTC
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
I map, therefore I am.

Good Quote by Slayer!

Not long now till Christmas and my compo map is going um well actually. Getting a bit bored of working on it but I know the end result will please some people especially Hunter so that keeps me going.

I fear I might not finish the whole idea planned but i'll still submit whats been made and hope for the best and finish it off for the public.

On a side note I just got cough Quake 4 and I must say it is as Zombieloffe said "Like Doom 3 with Speed".
Very fast paced and the indoor level design is great, can't say the same about the outdoors because they used 2D images as a distant background but it looks really bad.

Still I enjoy gameplay more than looks and so far it has entertained me and the sudden change in the plot ahem new legs...has angered me and now i'm having my revenge on the enemies...In other words i'm thinking what the player would think :S

School is over now even though I was ill so that didn't effect me...Had the mumps which is a virus that tries to attack the testicle area and then attaches itself to your thorat where it swells your glands. So you look like a Chipmunk...or a hamster:
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Anyway uhm I know what i'm partly getting for Christmas but my mum always suprises me ho ho ho :aghast:

I just decided to post a TWHL Present from me...A pic of my compo map so competitors know what they are up against:
User posted image
Ok anyway Merry Christmas folks...


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