Journal #4204

Posted 17 years ago2007-04-21 03:33:14 UTC
Haven't done an entry in a while.... I think. School is still easy but exams are coming soon. :( It'll be my first time having them too. :( :( Anyway working on my map "tv" (tell you more about some other time), also starting to improve the Frag Fence map which hasn't been touched since Feb 19, mucking around in Hammer, running the old Half-Life in D3D which looks REALLY weird especially since my comp is OLD and my "graphics card" is an ATI 3D RAGE PRO which is really a 2D-ish card (poor me) and finally playing Abe's Exodus which is really fun even if it's old :). Well I think that covers some of the stuff I've been doing.


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