Journal #4714

Posted 16 years ago2007-11-18 21:40:37 UTC
E-Games at Exhibition Center (Jeff's shed) was awesome. Ranked 4th in UT 2004 tournament and 1st in the Quake 3 arena comp (Gauntlet FTW!) AND I got to try out Crysis on an uber-non-lagging-super-leet-r0x0r-pwnz0r-0wing-comp that also had a 28 inch LCD to go with it! If you're unsure if you want to get Crysis, trust me, it's worth the money! :D

PS: I killed 10 people in row using the Gauntlet BUT they were nooby people :(

PSS (<-- WTF): I hate when people make stupid/idiotic/dumbass comments (I think everyone does). This comment came from the example map 'Rotating Weapons' and this is what Moab wrote:
(08 Nov 07 at 20:06) Moab
Just stick the guass on a invisble func_rotating...
FAIL!!!!! :x :x :x


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