Journal #4807

Posted 16 years ago2008-01-08 04:30:42 UTC
Every time I log on here, I do my usual routine:
1. Check if I have any PM's.
2. Check the map vault to see if anything has been put up and is worth downloading.
3. Go through the forums because I can. ( :aggrieved: )
4. Read through the journals. (Yes I do that because I've got nothing else to do :tired: )

Now today as I was reading the journals... I came upon Saribous' latest entry. Knowing that someone in your family that's ill for a long period of time is something you'd be sad about because you then think of death. And when something like that actual comes it hits you hard. You know it's coming yet it just kills you. I've experienced that a few years ago so I know how it feels. R.I.P ~Regards Josh :(


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