Journal #4873

Posted 16 years ago2008-02-21 19:51:50 UTC
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
As you all know, the release of TWHL3 is imminent, so this will probably be my last Journal post on TWHL2. What a journey it's been on this version of the site though: I joined back in 2003 and for some bizarre reason, I'm still here. Never expected to still be here after so many years, particularly when so many of the older members I used to know gradually dropped off.

While TWHL's current state isn't exactly one of perfect, I'm hoping that the launch of TWHL3 will help. We have some nice changes planned that'll be helpful to everyone. Time for a fresh start basically: let's forget all the petty crap that defined the latter years of TWHL2. This is your chance to turn a good community into a great one.

TWHL3 will not be launching with its full feature set however. All the functionality of TWHL2 will be there however, in a completely refreshed form. Over the launch period, we'll be constantly adding stuff to the site, stuff we've had planned for a very long time. Of course, we're always up for taking suggestions as well. We've got a couple of things planned for the launch window as well, which should get things moving.

Anyhoo, thanks for everyone that's stuck around for this long: your patience has paid off! If you haven't already, make sure you join the Official Party Channel, #twhl3 on Gamesurge.

See you next time folks.


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