Journal #5649

Posted 15 years ago2009-02-26 14:56:43 UTC
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
This has turned into a Fun Journal. Enjoy!

As a serious Journal note:

Recently I thought of a simple and possibly fun experimental mini-mini mod idea. Believe it or not, HL can have up to 16 levelchanges in a single map. I've seen no more than 4 in HL and most mods are rather linear in path. What if a gridular setup was done? Like a 4x4 (16 total maps) layout of a part of a world. The paths would be many and exploration and discovery would be greatly promoted as the player would have to decide where to go and look around. Also, randomized events could vary the gameplay in a variety of ways on each map, making things renew as you go. The player would have to perform tasks and solve puzzles to unlock new areas of the 'world'.

A simple idea is to make something like the Xen world with teleportals that take you to the next square over based on which one you go in.

A more elaborate idea is a really hardcore 'escape from Black Mesa' where the player has to figure something out on their own.

Now, back to you regularly scheduled crap:

Random Paragraph Generator is fun... turns out some awesomeness with some tweaking. Enjoy!

The vagina creams Captain Terror. Captain Terror damages the era. The certificate drags the suffering dawn. The vagina frightens the blame. The numb policeman opens Captain Terror under the propaganda. An evolutionary screw sustains Captain Terror. Captain Terror overwhelms the vagina after the pretend anguish. Beneath the folding leadership runs the bizarre spectacular. Captain Terror sandwiches the current confidence. Captain Terror staggers over the vagina. The vagina smiles! The idiot sugars Captain Terror beside the husband. A bacterium rails. The shoe ministers to Captain Terror across a switch wealth. The knife truncates the vagina. When will the cuckoo stop? The computer separates the party professor against our apparatus. The vagina harms Captain Terror over its ancient wizard. Should the chancellor overlap beside Captain Terror?

Ant's cock consumes the boiled missile inside the defeated. The interior clears Ant's cock over an atheist. Will Ant's cock conform around a wish? A naughty photo recovers next to the acceptable contributor. Penguinboy launches the historic constituent. Penguinboy persists past the recognizable sentient. Ant's cock spins into the lunchtime. The scholar bobs outside Ant's cock. The widespread connector scores on top of every crisp. Penguinboy boils above Ant's cock. Penguinboy rests outside each country tongue. Penguinboy bypasses the obsolete pencil across the causal piano. The concert steams? Penguinboy rates the approving warm on top of this fellow. Penguinboy entertains a pressure inside the punishing reactor. Should Penguinboy celebrate Ant's cock? A customary tunnel dominates Penguinboy. A dialect encodes the profound algebra.

Your newsletter racks the maker. The must individual secures Habboi outside the laser. The sperm cashes the instinct. The sperm fools an analogue reminder. Habboi punches the sperm over another nicest force. Habboi credits the sperm. An arm rules against the sperm. A toast swears on top of a maze! The sperm prosecutes. Habboi recalls the lesser body. Habboi expects the keeper with the invisible dummy. Why can't Habboi caution over the paper meal? How does the crunched diameter push this ram? A developing socket moans on top of the atmosphere. Across the sperm stretches the landlord. Over the sperm cheats Habboi!

TheGrimReafer dines throughout the intimate risk. When can the sad timer fudge its elephant? An erection loses below TheGrimReafer. A hot corridor mends TheGrimReafer. The edge wonder volunteers inside the north. Opposite a pedantry waits the guest whole. A stupid console reserves TheGrimReafer past the dish. An erection exceeds the kindly back. Past the disturbed timer cries the pro pupil. How can its corresponding piano cause TheGrimReafer? TheGrimReafer ascends inside an erection. Why does TheGrimReafer misplace the tactless apathy? A timetable oppresses TheGrimReafer. Why can't a festival mutter within TheGrimReafer? An erection teaches an irrelevant chapel under the muddle. Does any lunch trip around TheGrimReafer? Her island twists below the convincing average. Can TheGrimReafer skip throughout the technology? Does the worldwide fairy withdraw against an erection? Will an erection mount TheGrimReafer?


Commented 15 years ago2009-02-26 15:05:34 UTC Comment #40924
You have nothing better to do? Like mapping/modeling?
Commented 15 years ago2009-02-26 15:07:12 UTC Comment #40925
I'm at work... Modelling... and rendering which provides odd segments of down time.
Commented 15 years ago2009-02-26 15:26:40 UTC Comment #40923
This is the sort of thing that forum bots use, isn't it?
Commented 15 years ago2009-02-26 17:14:07 UTC Comment #40939
What about 6D ...
This idea can be use to make something like "Gta Half-Life"
Commented 15 years ago2009-02-26 17:41:26 UTC Comment #40922
I was particularly fond on the part abouts Ants cock, i wonder where you did get the inspiration.
Commented 15 years ago2009-02-26 18:08:21 UTC Comment #40931
For gods sake, you walk over to the HL2 side and you want to go back! TAKE THE PLUNGE!

Neat idea.
Commented 15 years ago2009-02-26 18:27:34 UTC Comment #40926
... yeah, somedays I get wild with ideas. I think I will take that offer and map tonight. Source map that is. :P

To put it simply from the text above: why hasn't anyone tried it yet? Hell, 5 Ways to Die was an epic success!

I haven't forgot about that 6Doohicky.
Commented 15 years ago2009-02-26 19:15:05 UTC Comment #40943
16 map changes? pretty cool, but then you need at least 17 maps to make use of them. Thats a lot of compiling.
Commented 15 years ago2009-02-26 19:29:56 UTC Comment #40927
If you remember the Silo with the tentacles, I think that has 4 maybe 5 level changes in it. I would simply make it, being grid like, one transition in each direction, north, south, east, and west.
Commented 15 years ago2009-02-26 21:02:12 UTC Comment #40938
Rim your mod idea sounds intriguing, even if i'm not quite sure what you mean... sounds like it would be fun/hard to map for.

And yeah, the bit with Ant's cock and PB is pretty good... i actually cried a little LOLing:

Should Penguinboy celebrate Ant's cock?


Commented 15 years ago2009-02-26 21:33:09 UTC Comment #40944
Commented 15 years ago2009-02-27 00:17:20 UTC Comment #40946
What sentance generator did you use?
Commented 15 years ago2009-02-27 03:00:16 UTC Comment #40934
Will an erection mount TheGrimReafer?
Lol, but wtf all the same.
Commented 15 years ago2009-02-27 04:10:47 UTC Comment #40933
This sounds strikingly similiar to Heart of Evil, which was just annoying as hell because 90 percent of the time you had absolutely no idea where you were going or what you were doing, and you'd just end up totally lost in this maze of maps. As far as I'm concerned, any more than 4 level changes per map is downright confusing to the player. I even remember getting mixed up the first time I went through Office Complex.
Commented 15 years ago2009-02-27 12:15:10 UTC Comment #40940
I lol'd at this randomly generated sentence :
What if the government work(s) like a cow?
Commented 15 years ago2009-02-27 13:25:54 UTC Comment #40942
You have overthrown governments. We now live in fear, have less civilised old men and eat Chinese in a less complicated fashion.

Chewbacca have improved life. We can now live alone, have more control over our stupidity while we play with ourselves the good old way.
Commented 15 years ago2009-02-27 15:09:51 UTC Comment #40928
Potatis braves an animal. Potatis revolts! A regulation cylinder spreads a permitted skirt. Should the sorry steel laugh next to the fudge? The violin coins another test chemist in the wizard. Can Srry's ass support Potatis? wrong. :|
Try it
Commented 15 years ago2009-02-27 16:19:33 UTC Comment #40941
MuzzleFlash disrupts the scaled electronics. An atom jokes? Rimrook discourages MuzzleFlash past the triumph. Rimrook demises the predictable fellow next to the calendar.
Commented 15 years ago2009-02-27 17:49:37 UTC Comment #40935
Zombieloffe mutters against a female. Zombieloffe talks within Urby. Every jack fevers Zombieloffe under a typewriter. A problem studies Zombieloffe across a legendary universal.

EDIT: Speaking of, havent seen him for a while.

Muzzleflash gladdens the established degenerate behind the father. The serious capitalist revolts against the faithful. Does Penguinboy bow below Muzzleflash? Penguinboy changes. Penguinboy disappears before a species.
Commented 15 years ago2009-02-27 18:02:09 UTC Comment #40945
Commented 15 years ago2009-02-27 18:19:52 UTC Comment #40937
The category closets The Grinch underneath a theology. The Grinch copyrights Christmas on top of the card. The Grinch fries Christmas opposite the loud sheep. Christmas refuses an unclear layer. The Grinch distresses a borderline. Christmas scrolls The Grinch after the stair.

ValvE degrades the virgin snail. The irrespective fabric scares Bungie. Why does a pro sketch resemble a meet cream? Bungie tongues our pipeline. A pedestrian sands Bungie.

Second last sentance is just... wrong.
Commented 15 years ago2009-02-27 18:38:54 UTC Comment #40929
ValvE degrades virgin snails... shame.
Commented 15 years ago2009-02-28 00:55:54 UTC Comment #40936
Shame on ValvE.
Commented 15 years ago2009-02-28 15:11:40 UTC Comment #40932
How do snails have sex anyway?
Commented 15 years ago2009-02-28 16:15:03 UTC Comment #40930
Here, Satchmo. All your answers.

Commented 11 years ago2013-06-20 00:17:33 UTC Comment #40947

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