Journal #5727

Posted 15 years ago2009-04-06 16:21:06 UTC
Today was indeed slightly strange. LOTS of snow fell yesterday, a lot of it. This morning all the snow had totally frozen. I should've brushed my car off yesterday while the snow was still soft.

Today my windshield and rear-window were both totally covered in snow. Go figure I had packed my ice scraper in the net in my trunk and that my trunk was completely frozen shut. Rear-seat pass-through was useless being that it was in the net, not until about 10 minutes of defroster run-time did the ice/snow become mobile. They were about 2 inch thick sheets of packed in ice. =X

In all my attempts to get snow off the trunk so I could get to my scraper, I managed to get a lovely abrasion along my finger that wouldn't stop bleeding. Still hurts like shit too, I actually had to put a band-aid on it so I could finally leave.

Even better, I get to school and I started getting millions of comments along the lines of "Oh, I didn't know your ear was pierced." Christ are these people blind. How does no one notice nice shiny stainless steel? >_>

Anyway, this was more or less a venting journal. Feel free to share your pitiful sorrows too.


Commented 15 years ago2009-04-06 17:36:10 UTC Comment #52503
It was 20 degrees today, I luv it
Commented 15 years ago2009-04-06 19:53:16 UTC Comment #52501
By the end of today it was 40. But I just can't believe how solid the snow got over night. It was literally as hard as cement, I had to get my car aligned with the tracks so not to destroy the bottom of my car. D=
Commented 15 years ago2009-04-07 19:09:25 UTC Comment #52502
I'm done with snow, hope it never comes back... = (

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