Not a spam journal... A day ago i agreed to work on a mod with my friend called "quake: source" (i think that's what it was called), me and my friend play quake 3 arena quite often, and all of a sudden out of nowhere my friend just says "How neat would it be to make a quake 3 mod for source?"
So, we just kinda "dived in" to the thing...
I wonder if it'll last, it damned better, else all the work of making that damn machine gun will go to waste (i know the machine gun is pretty easy, but it took me 3 attempts before i figured out id's "secret" as to how they made the damned thing)
We have also encountered a couple of problems on the way, mapping, blaze says he can't make a remake without a "goood flythrough of the map", he can't simply walk around in singleplayer with no bots and base it off that.
textures, copyright.
sounds, copyright.
and oh what do you know, MOAR FUZZIN COPYRITE.
remake HL2 in Goldsource
Make the portal gun in Goldsource.
And it shouldn't be. You should go into these projects with every intention of remaking everything from scratch, and as such, it shouldn't be a concern.
Then again, you shouldn't really go into these projects, period. What's the point in recreating the same game instead of attempting something original? You can get away with it if it's more than simply copying and pasting, say a total visual and gameplay overhaul, but Quake 3 is still a pretty good game.
You could make a program which automatically converts all the maps, sprites etc. from a Quake III installation or CD and copy it into the mod folder. That way you won't have any copyright problems.
That mod would be a simulation game win.
I did.
I`m done arguing, this is just pointless.