Journal #6537

Posted 14 years ago2010-05-02 17:15:17 UTC
I just coded a new monster.
It's a guy toting a chaingun, you know, the heavy military guy from POV and SHL (and if you didn't know, EFTD had one also.) Of course, mine is kinda not as good, I didn't get him to "suppress fire" or anything. But anyways.

If you didn't know any of the three mods listed above, then you are spending too much time in real life. Get back in your seat and download all three of them! They are all popular so If you can't find them then you should take a class in basic internet explorations.

I'll discuss a fourth mod, though, not as good. This mod is called "Twhl mix", it consists of two maps. The first map has you whacking headcrabs with a crowbar, seeing a barney freefall, and getting attacked by a big blue monster. In the big blue room, I set the charges and quickly ran back to the hallway, whereas I saw all the crates spontaneously vanish and I figured I wasn't suppose to do that.

Afterward I get teleported to a Someplace-Else-like scenario, where a machine that can pass the turing test tells me to power up a generator. And then try to do a blue-shiftish teleportation escape.

I come upon a high-r-speeds tram station, where dead cola bottles are solid. This is when I see a very good suv prefab and enter a dark warehouse with alien species. Then beyond that was conducting a cloning experiment. After that I am stuck in my couch watching television. Oh, so it was all just a movie. What an excellent ending!

The map id is 2516. Please play and then be inspired to do a similar project.


Commented 14 years ago2010-05-02 17:39:40 UTC Comment #63113
:| I'm working on an entry for PQL/Issues Source, but I've played TWHLmix. Kinda bad, which is a shame, because if today's regulars had made it, it would be good.

Also, the HWGrunt is in SvenCoop as well.
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-02 20:01:32 UTC Comment #63112
It was in Half-Life, but Valve removed it before release. They didn't remove its model (models/hassault.mdl) though.
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-03 16:22:05 UTC Comment #63111
Well, good luck with that, seems interesting.

[EDIT] 14500 comments. w00t!
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-05 19:52:51 UTC Comment #63114
they didn't remove it because they wanted to support the modders.

so like they could put those models in their mods.

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