Journal #6763

Posted 13 years ago2010-09-07 16:16:01 UTC
Thanks to the Mighty atom, I just got to play another 17 great HL2 maps. This new computer has a 64 bit OS, making it extremely incompatible with many old software, including HL1. I also remember back in may where you guys told me about how portal was free and I got to try it out too. Man, what a wonderful community here.

This week, the HL1 mod I want to talk about is Macky's adventures, made by those japanese people that you may be familiar with. As such, you will be taking the role of a little anime girl who will use a slingshot to fight evil baddies. This mod has an autoexec file that makes your gameplay occur in the third person. The maps are very boxy and plain, so don't harbor some high expectations. I also experienced cases where ammo was in really short supply, and fighting evil baddies with hornetguns using a melee weapon was really difficult. If you're interested, I'm pretty sure there is a moddb page on this yet another mod with weird themes.

*about that religious squabble: I liked the part crollo cited my exp: A thread about compo 28 somehow turned into a religio-political flamewar. Impressive.


Commented 13 years ago2010-09-07 17:43:19 UTC Comment #63140
I actually enjoy talking about religion quite a bit, but you can see how a community like TWHL who operates on having as many active members as it can would do better without it. If someone comes to the site for the first time and sees the entire front page filled up with that, they're not going to think highly of the site at all. We're better than that!

The mod sounds kind of hilarious.
Commented 13 years ago2010-09-07 19:04:30 UTC Comment #63142
I've been using Windows XP Professional x64 Edition (a "64 bit" OS) for over a year with no compatibility problems with x86 ("32 bit" or "old") programs. Not all x64 operating systems have compatibility problems with x86 programs just because your does, if it does.

I enjoy reading your mod reviews, keep it up :)
Commented 13 years ago2010-09-08 17:53:48 UTC Comment #63141
So that explains why Windows 7 64 bit has a Program Files (x86) folder as well as a regular one. I had always wondered about that.

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