Journal #6893

Posted 13 years ago2010-11-27 14:37:40 UTC
Okay here is the starcraft 2 journal I promised.

So my cousin who is in the primary school got this game recently and I watched him play the singleplayer campaign, in which you control terrans. I think the thing was that the expansions will allow you to play the campaigns for other races. So anyway after he successfully finished the campaign (on baby bitty Easy) I wanted to try my hand at this 70-80 dollar game also.

Unlike my cousin I played on a higher difficulty level. I also strive to make different choices from him (more on choices later) to keep things interesting. And, unfortunately for me, things definitely got WAY too interesting than how my cousin played it.

So basically, you are in control of Jim Raynor and his merry band of misfits. You all live on this really big battlecruiser containing an armoury, laboratory, bar, and control room (sounds like a map idea!). In the armoury, you can get permanent upgrades for every unit that you can build (like stimpacks for marines). It seems that Terran Academies are no longer necessary.

In the lab you can watch weird samples do weird things. Also you can do special missions and research technology like building science vessels which has already been researched since starcraft 1. Waste of technology.

You play as raynor himself. Alot of the game involves socializing with other major characters and watching CNN on television. I'm not joking. I think I spent at least 20 minutes just watching the freaking CNN. But allow me to get to the fun part of this article.

So I am going to outline the choices that my cousin made and compare them to my choices. There are three major choices that I will leave ambiguous for your sake.

My cousin's choices resulted in:
  • A major character lives happily ever after
  • A major character hangs out in your bar forever.
  • Losing some specialists to their own nukes.
My choice results in:
  • A major character becoming a freaking zombie
  • A major character gets killed
  • Getting all the remaining major characters to walk around in a cave.
As you can see, all my choices resulted in losing my major characters. Remember that it was totally not my fault. But now it is time for some criticisms.

What I didn't like about the game was some lack of creativity. In particular there were some really glaring parallels between this and the first game. For example the third mission is always "defend for 20 minutes until you get picked up by dropships" and "an elderly general's battlecruiser crash lands in the middle of enemy base and he has to defend himself with bunkers". I just thought these were WAY too obvious ways to reuse old scenarios.

So after all the ranting and major characters dying, I managed to grasp my way to the final level where I had to defend an extremely weak tower from getting zerg-rushed. So I was just chilling at my base, until this DAM HUGE Juggernaut of a Zerg hovered near my base. I tried attacking it but all my thingies died. Then the dam queen of Blades showed up and I find that her stats are extremely buff, from 400 HP in starcraft 1 to ONE THOUSAND HP here. And she appears to have developed some really cheap abilities, such as shooting fiery balls and using psychokinesis. So unfair, that dam psychokinesis crap killed my battlecruisers IN ONE HIT. What the eff. And then while Queen of Imbalanced Gameplay was killing my units, that dam Juggernaut who was camping near my base, it decided to join the party. Needless to say, Raynor and major characters and every other terran there never came back home. THE END.


Commented 13 years ago2010-11-27 14:45:56 UTC Comment #63181
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-27 15:13:58 UTC Comment #63182
Campaign was sweet. i got like 80% of the achievements.
Been playing multiplayer lately and getting pounded by all the koreans
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-27 16:45:10 UTC Comment #63183

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