Journal #7121

Posted 13 years ago2011-03-23 00:28:18 UTC
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Might as well combine two topics. Which one is more interesting I wonder.

Crysis 2 and What's Happening with Habboi.

I'll start with my life. Nothing special. Basically I graduated in December and since then I've been working on my portfolio, applying for jobs (getting very little back) and working on my Iphone game with a friend.

Making an Iphone game can be a pain sometimes. It's not super powerful and you have to consider a lot of things especially memory. My coder buddy is new to the language he has to use so he's learning as he goes and I'm impressed so far. I'll quote a part of his last email to me:

"A new Media class and support for Texture Atlases

"This was the big thing i've been working on most of last week and the weekend. Rather than loading up graphics and audio here there and everywhere as needed, I now have one class that searches in the application bundle for all the media files at the start and stores them in a dictionary. When I need to use a graphic, I just call one of the methods of that class giving it the name of the media I want. Trust me this is huge! I've managed to cut out tons of code with this approach alone and it means that determining which backgrounds to use is as simple as combining a string such as "foreground_lvl" with the level number. This way, it's not hard-coded in and it's easy to change. The individual sprites in the texture atlas are called foreground_lvl1 and so on so getting at them is easy. This is also how i'm pulling Spencer's animations (oh, the animation is gone!lol But only because this is a hi-res version of Spencer and I haven't made any more frames yet, but the functionality is still in there and i've added the same to all the other bugs: they just need more frames)."
Man, that's just a small segment. He writes emails the size of essays. Not that I'm complaining, I'm glad he works hard. As for me, I'm doing the art and I've gone with a style that I'm comfortable with, vector art. So far so good.

So yeah, I'm concentrating on this game now. Maybe it'll be as big as Angry Birds? :P

Second topic: Crysis 2.

I got the first game when it first came out and was quite disappointed at how generic it was. It had some good ideas but I don't think it delivered. Now number 2 is out / will be out in 2 days (EU) and I'm wondering whether to get it. I enjoyed the MP demo and so did Hunter / Urby it seems judging from their video.

What do you guys think? Are you interested?


Commented 13 years ago2011-03-23 00:43:18 UTC Comment #44731
My uncle has Crysis 2, but he understood none of the storyline.

I need a BEAST computer to play a game like that.

"What's Happening with Habboi."

Who's Habboi?
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-23 01:01:24 UTC Comment #44729
Gunna be honest, we both uninstalled the Crysis 2 demo pretty shortly after making that video, and neither of us intend to buy it, or at least not until it's under a tenner.

Multiplayer is as generic as it gets. Literally exactly the same as recent CoD games with that constant reward bullshit.
Singleplayer looks unlikely to be much better based on gameplay vids.

I'd hold off until it's cheaper if I was you, bruv.
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-23 09:35:23 UTC Comment #44730
"Who's Habboi?" /Facepalm

I wish you luck on your game Habboi; If you sell it, you might just become rich, and if not, and it becomes popular anyway, you guys have a major thing to put on your resume.
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-23 10:07:42 UTC Comment #44728
Yeah I was just curious what others thought. I've never played the modern COD games so the whole perk thing was new to me.

Jeff: Indeed, it's all about the right time and a good marketing plan. I have one roughly in my head.

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