Journal #7784

Posted 12 years ago2012-05-09 22:44:01 UTC
I generally have the most average dreams. People always describe awesome adventures in their dreams, not me, my dreams are pretty much little tidbits of everyday life. These dreams are also few and far between, I often wish for more exciting/more frequent dreams but they never come.

I thought this was interesting though, a dream from two nights ago that was based on TWHL. Again it wasn't very exciting but odd. Basically I loaded up the site and decided to check out a recent journal posted by Stojke. In his journal he described having frequent dreams about TWHL. He brought it up because in a past journal Striker had written about having frequent dreams about TWHL.

Apparently in my dreams everyone dreams of TWHL.


Commented 12 years ago2012-05-10 03:28:07 UTC Comment #66431
The first person to make an Inception joke wins the "Totally Didn't See That Coming" award.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-10 05:46:46 UTC Comment #66434
The truth is that I have dreamed about TWHL, or at least meeting TWHL members in the past. I can't remember the dream though, and I didn't note it down :(.
Interesting Inception-like dream though. Keep dreamin'.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-10 08:27:48 UTC Comment #66437
Lol. Dreaming of TWHL?
Are the admins subliminally programming us with various things :o

Any way, speaking of dreams, ive dreamed of a friend of mine, who is always cocky and such, falling into mud with his face forward with a tricycle he stole from a little kid. I laughed my ass off in the dream.
Whats interesting, ive heard from him for the first time yesterday after around 6 months.
The entire dream was filled with parties and dark woods with ghosts and what not, who i was not afraid at all, but an other friend of mine was scared as hell. I remember going all "Hell yeah ghosts \m/" in the dream.
If only i could see the forest scene again. It was like, from one part where the houses are to other there is this dark forest with lots of spooky shit.

Strange how we all got into some dream state.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-10 09:43:39 UTC Comment #66432
I had a dream last night that I went to prison. I was in the prison van with some guy who was saying it's not true in the movies when you know what prison you're going to before you get there. As we pulled around the corner I recognised the big purple building next to the prison, and I realised I had been there before. Last time there was a group of guys that hated me, but this time I was put in a different section where there was an arcade for the prisoners, and I was tasked with operating one of the machines. I also had a cookie.

There was also something about how local thugs had started carrying cricket bats to use when they gang up on someone and beat them up. That dream ended with me being beaten up by a gang of cricket bat wielding thugs. :/
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-10 12:22:46 UTC Comment #66433
Well that sounds like a good time to wake up tjb, i mean before the raping ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-10 13:31:04 UTC Comment #66436
I once had a weird-ass dream about TWHL.

It was where I found a very old version of the community, back before I had joined or something, and the old community members were all talking and stuff, and I'm telling them I'm from the future.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-10 21:10:58 UTC Comment #66435

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