Journal #7864

Posted 11 years ago2012-07-01 03:35:25 UTC
Hallow TWHL! Check out my gameplay of vanilla HL. There's no commentary or anything, but it's slightly different from your average playthru, and you might be bored enough to watch all the episodes. (the first episode is tree_c2a4, then tree_c2a4d, then surface tension... fairly obvious if you played vanilla HL.)


Commented 11 years ago2012-07-01 03:40:52 UTC Comment #63306
Not sure I see the point without a commentary. It's like watching your mute mate play a game that you could play yourself - and if you play it yourself you get it in widescreen... At a much higher resolution... Without a screen recorder logo at the top of the frame...
Commented 11 years ago2012-07-01 15:03:43 UTC Comment #63307
Well, after seeing "Freeman's Mind", I don't think there's any point left to see yet another Half-Life gameplay video. And your half-life is not vanilla, it has a custom crowbar.
Perhaps you were bored, I know I was when I made a HL2 video like this(only heavily edited).
Commented 11 years ago2012-07-01 18:19:11 UTC Comment #63308
Hmm, alright. I'm doing this currently for the Planetphillip replay event, but if anyone is interested, I'll do random mod playthru's as well (or any single player maps you have if you'd like)

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