Journal #8073

Posted 12 years ago2012-12-28 22:42:30 UTC
I explored more on fighting glitch trainers in pokemon blue (on an actual cartridge! haha)

This video will show you what the 'default' glitch trainer's battle lineup is. However, by fighting other trainers before meeting the glitch trainer you can change their party. There's a list of possible glitch trainer parties but I only had time to meet 3 of them. One of which was the L111 drowzee that I can never beat.

My team (all pokemon are around levels 30-35)
L12 poliwag for surfing

Glitch Trainer parties I met so far (in addition to the one in the video):
L111 drowzee (pwned my entire party)

L14 Nidoran♀
L14 Magneton
L14 Charizard ´M
L14 Gastly
L14 Grimer
L14 Missingno
  • A low level party. I breezed thru them with my level 30's. I heard bad things about charizard 'M but he only used ember and weak moves, luckily.

L42 Rhyhorn
L42 Arcanine
L42 Missingno
L42 Clefairy
L42 Mewtwo
L42 Missingno.
  • A decently challenging party (notice the Mewtwo!) Their levels are a bit higher than mine but good thing the AI sucks in this game!
  • I had a bit of trouble with Rhyhorn since he knocked out my hitmonlee. But I used a max revive and hitmonlee's double kick managed to top the Rhyhorn.
  • Arcanine was ok. I used Aerodactyl who only had wing attack but has rock-type resistance to physical attacks. In the final moment Arcanine used Take Down on me but died from recoil LOL
  • Missingno's have very poor defense so they were easy to take out. The clefairy wasn't much hassle either (used defense curl lol)
  • When I saw the Mewtwo I was like OH SHIT and switched to hypno who can tank Psychic in case he decided to use it. He didn't. Or rather, I didn't give him the chance to because I quickly put it to sleep with Hypnosis. Then finished it off.
There are reportedly 23 glitch parties from this method alone. I think I was pretty lucky not to run into some crash-causing enemies. Stay tuned for more on fighting these glitch trainers!


Commented 12 years ago2013-01-03 18:39:50 UTC Comment #63342
I felt sorry that your old journal had no comments. So here is your comment. :)

I read it all btw, but I've only played pokemon black & white about half way through so I have no opinion of this.
Commented 12 years ago2013-01-05 00:33:07 UTC Comment #63343
thx man, but I guess most ppl here aren't into old school pokemon. But this really is about the fun and exciting discovery of fighting trainers that are otherwise impossible to meet, and with a difficulty much higher than any pokemon game ever (the level 200's come to mind). Not to mention strange glitch pokemon with unknown properties, battling those are always a surprise

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