I suppose I should introduce myself at some point since I haven't.
Hi guys I'm La, or Volpe, or C. (I may be [definitely] using this whole introducing thing as an excuse for the next part.)
I'm bored and I was wonder what your guys favourite MALE and FEMALE video game characters? Because when I get bored I draw, and I can't think of anything to draw~ So please feel free to tell me your favourite characters so I can draw them. =)
Hmm... do NPCs count? I was going to say Cave Johnson, but that guy is no fun without J. K. Simmons's voice.
Also, hello and welcome to TWHL.
As for my favorite game characters... hm... That's a tough one.
I guess Sheik (The Legend of Zelda, but more for her Smash Bros appearances) and... eh... male characters... male characters...
Three Dog from Fallout 3 is a pretty cool guy.
If you were going to draw someone original, I would say take an artistic take on his Fire tunic and mirror shield from Ocarina of Time.
As far as females go, Samus Aran Hands down.
Welcome to TWHL
and I like your work so far in MC!
Yes, NPC's count.
@Sajo: Garrett was easier, http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/219/9/4/garrett_from_thief_by_la__volpe-d6h0ilj.png =P
@JeffMOD: Thank-you. =)
Sheik's awesome, I'll draw her next.
@Tetsu0: 0-0 I wanna draw Link now, might as well draw him in a fire tunic, and holding the Mirror Shield =P
Thankies, I do try in MC... Sometimes >.>