Journal #8586

Posted 9 years ago2015-08-02 17:24:10 UTC
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
I made another thing. If anything it's even less universal than the previous one in the series. Anyway, let me know what you think!


Tidy, tidy timelines <3
User posted image
It made a bit of a splash in a national newspaper!
From here on I always want to be credited as "Neil's pal" - doesn't matter if I'm working for Sainsburys or JJ Abrams - this is my title now.
User posted image


Commented 9 years ago2015-08-02 17:47:34 UTC Comment #46118
Well that was... Interesting. Wow.
Commented 9 years ago2015-08-02 20:36:15 UTC Comment #46121
Can't say I liked the music, but very well shot and edited, those camera's made to shoot it must've cost a fortune.
Commented 9 years ago2015-08-02 21:01:49 UTC Comment #46110
I just shot it on my GH3. I'm looking to upgrade to the GH4 in the coming months.
Commented 9 years ago2015-08-02 21:37:04 UTC Comment #46113
Exact same as doctor, that's beautifully shot and edited, can't say I'm a fan of the music. Why do you have to make everything so damn good, arch?
Commented 9 years ago2015-08-03 05:48:27 UTC Comment #46116
So he actually did that shot in the end.

Waiiit a minute. Yeah... I'm pretty sure I've met that girl. That must be it. Can I have her number so I can check?
Commented 9 years ago2015-08-03 11:13:01 UTC Comment #46112
That's hilarious.
Lovely framing, lovely editing, lovely effects.
I also love how you sneakily have the "tits" folder open in your tree.
What's it like shooting video with so many boobs in it.
How the hell did you end up working for The Wee Man
Commented 9 years ago2015-08-04 06:03:09 UTC Comment #46114
Well, okay, sure, but who's slinging their boobs around for a video?
EDIT: ... I guess that somewhat answers my question.
Commented 9 years ago2015-08-04 11:43:04 UTC Comment #46120
Cats & tits? What happened to beer and tits? Damn furries...
Commented 9 years ago2015-08-04 17:48:33 UTC Comment #46115
I understood nothing.

Excellent video!

Also 1:01. Nice crevasse.
Commented 9 years ago2015-08-04 18:35:47 UTC Comment #46111
Thanks guys, I'm actually pretty unhappy with how it turned out - it was meant to be very self-aware and ironic, poking fun at people pandering to the internet to get views... And it just ended up being exactly what it was supposed to be parodying. The original storyboard was much funnier imo - I think Wee Man took it a bit too far in the wrong direction.
Still, loads of fun to work on.

"How the hell did you end up working for The Wee Man?" - I worked on a 4srs music video that he happened to be cast in; not as the Wee Man character (he's actually a legit decent actor). We got chatting at the wrap party and when I realised who it was I offered my services.

"who's slinging their boobs around for a video?" - One of them was literally a Brazzers porn star (Paige Delight). I didn't know this at the time, and I now have the glorious keepsake of a photo of her biting the absolute fuck out of my arm. The bruise didn't heal for a fortnight. Shortly after that photo was taken she revealed her profession and took great pleasure in watching me awkwardly not know where to look when she showed me some of her... work.

"What happened to beer and tits?" - Doesn't really work on the whole internet meme front.

"Also 1:01. Nice crevasse." - I regret making that more than you'd believe.
Commented 9 years ago2015-08-04 23:43:28 UTC Comment #46117
Why did she do it?
Commented 8 years ago2015-10-21 15:06:14 UTC Comment #46119
This song has been stuck in my head since I've heard it. Anywhere that an instrumental version exists? I'm a sucker for this kind of cut/sampled hip-hop House of Pain/Beastie Boys stuff.

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