Fringe Update 1: Working like a dog

Posted 5 years ago2018-08-10 20:48:43 UTC
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Fucking hell.

3 weeks in, 1 week of minor setup getting to know management, another week of intense set up and programming, a literal day of having to do a technical rehearsal with EVERY company in (this is objectively not enough time), and then days of running shoes since.

It's really difficult to get used to because the Fringe exists in an entirely separate reality. Daily 11+ hour shifts are the norm, did a 14 yesterday and have a 12 in front of me today. I can barely get a break in between acts, because we've got such tight turnarounds that all hands are needed on deck.

It used to be worse, considerably less pay for even longer hours, but it can still do better. I'm almost entirely sure the Fringe runs on virtually slave labour, considering those working for other companies are paid accomodation and a tiny food stipend, and that's it.

If I break down my salary into the hours I've worked, I'm 100% earning less than minimum wage. But I'm fairly well off in comparison to other positions..

On a slightly nicer note, I've got to get to know most of our acts, the producers and actors are all lovely and all have to live in this slightly weird world as well. I really love a handful of our acts, but I also conversely fucking despise about three with every inch of my soul. The stereotype of performers / acts with a disgusting ego is unfortunately real at times, and just really gets you down especially given how much effort you've put in for the rest of your job.

Here's to the next few weeks

1 Comment

Commented 5 years ago2018-08-11 01:03:15 UTC Comment #101444
Keep on going! It may suck right now, but it sounds like you're doing great job!

I've got another shot of whiskey waiting, so here's to You and all the hours put into working. Cheers!

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