HA! I fixed my fire, its great to....Put that burnt wall texture on the insides of the logs in the cone, and on the logs inside the cone sitting on the ground....I added a textlight, and aimed it for the burned wall texture, selected flicker A for the style, 100 for the brightness, obvioulsy the color was orange, used the flame 2 sprite, and BOOM! Kick ass fire...I might write a tutorial for it
well, My Map is starting to anger me Although it has angered me before....neither here nor there...This whole lights thing is getting me down....the whole cant have to many lights in one area thing blows...what was valve thinking?Thats just one of many probs....the other is, seems that I cant get one of my turret guns to shoot in the right direction, go to shoot it, and it shoots you....not good. And one other prob I am faced with now is a bonfire I tried creating, would set my map off...really would, but the sprite I used (fire) has black al around the fire, which does not look cool. let me tell yeah.
Thank you microsoft for system restore! My computer almost got blown away because i upgraded the nvidia drivers. only in safemode it would open windows!
game010c is near completion, just finishing up the outside area including a dam and now procceding to make the next area. Updates are coming fast, so make sure to download the newest version. game010a is now in mod format and ready to download, all upcoming maps will just need to be placed in the maps folder of my mod and it'll be set.
An awesome map for my birthday/LAN party is well underway... expect to see it up here next week... though some version or other will be ready by saturday... thanks Jahzel for pointing we to that texture set (I know that wa a while ago) it's perfect for what I'm doing.
It comes and goes, I haven't been mapping for quite some time, but now I'm doing it all the time, and when i'm not mapping, I think about it
Anyways, The new map is for HL1DM. It's set in a cross between a lab and a sewer (true). I'll post some pics later when it's getting closer to being finished. Gots to get back to mapping now!!!
Progress is coming along nicely on half-life 1.5. Game010b is now completed and work on Game010c is now in process. The next few maps are going to include a nice tram ride through various areas with scenic views and interesting entities. I hope you guys will enjoy the upcoming twist on the game content, all will be expecting one thing to happen, but alas, a whole new line of story and enviroments will be included.