Competition 29 is a Go + A New Tutorial!

Posted 14 years ago2010-11-23 19:52:18 UTC
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Well folks, it's finally here, so quit whinging. Competition 29: Map Something Historical is alive and kicking, so get to it. You have a month to get your entries in.

The competition will be judged by Penguinboy and myself: yes, I'm making a return to compo judging. Now, toddle off to Hammer and get cracking.

Please make sure to check out the thread for updates and an FAQ.

Edit: Don Punch has given the more advanced mappers around here a through guide for sprucing up your maps with a bit of extra spice in "Detailing map brushes using XSI". This is Don Punch's first tutorial, so go on, take a look.


Commented 14 years ago2010-11-23 20:18:06 UTC Comment #99712
whinging? whats that?
also a month is tad small, maybe 2 months to include the christmas vacation is better..

On a side note, hammer cracks up quite often (bad)
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-23 20:19:56 UTC Comment #99713
Maybe whinging is an Australian term. >_<

As for the competition length, back in the day, most of them ran for a month. Protracted lengths don't lead to anything most of the time.
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-23 20:21:15 UTC Comment #99714
No, it's used in England and Ireland as well. Also, yay!
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-23 20:23:23 UTC Comment #99715
lol I thot it was a typo
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-23 20:59:59 UTC Comment #99716
Me? A typo? Never.
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-23 22:45:40 UTC Comment #99717
"an FAQ"
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-23 22:53:20 UTC Comment #99718
That's not a typo. "an eff ah ku".
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-23 22:54:02 UTC Comment #99719
Blitzkrieg: That is correct. When you're dealing with an acronym, you don't preface it with 'a', it's always 'an'.
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-23 23:01:44 UTC Comment #99720
It's not always "an", is it? I've been taught that the initial sound of an acronym decides if you should say "a" or "an": "a TWHL thread", "a US citizen", "an HL modification".
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-23 23:13:32 UTC Comment #99721
Actually, that is correct. >_>
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-23 23:19:12 UTC Comment #99722
The backwards timer makes me nervous.
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-23 23:27:01 UTC Comment #99723
I forgot we put in that timer...
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-24 06:19:24 UTC Comment #99724
should put in the moddb vote countdown timer, it's so dramatic.
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-24 13:37:20 UTC Comment #99725
ah see, i read acronyms just as I'd say them if possibe i.e. "a fahk". Must be a difference in our dialects is all, because around here absolutely no one says "an US citizen"

'course round heah we say half werds an pronounce "r" as "ah" like 80% ah tha time.
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-24 13:48:58 UTC Comment #99726
Apparently that's how it's supposed to be pronounced. Can't be bothered to google it but it's because english is a non rhotic language, if I remember correctly.
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-24 19:28:26 UTC Comment #99727
Awesome. Just awesome. That means I'll only have less than half a month because on 15th december I have the last semestrial test.

This competition could've been started faster...
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-25 00:38:25 UTC Comment #99728
It could've been a lot of things.
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-25 14:29:22 UTC Comment #99729
took me a few days but i know what i'm gonna map
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-30 00:13:22 UTC Comment #99731
I cannot stop whinging as i don't know what whinging is.

Commented 13 years ago2010-12-03 22:19:30 UTC Comment #99734
crortect me if im wrong folks, Btu i do be7eiev were about o ahve a first second on twhl: 4marriage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~ PROVIDED RIMROOK ISNT A GAT3, BIG, DIRTY ;LIAR, H3 IS TO B CONGRATUL8D FRO PROPOSIMG TO HIS APRTNER/ LOLOLOLLOLOL~~~~~~~ THOIS SI RIMR0OKZ sECOMD APPEARANCE INT WH NEWS ERCENTLy, sP K3TZ TRY ASND ASHVE A BIT OF TIME WHRE YPOU DONT DO SOMETH1NG NEWSWRTOHY, OK??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????? ;)

in other |\|ewz, it lokos 7iket he next compo wi7l startu p sooN ololoolololol.... unlesds those poll reSults DEcieve me ,it coul dbe time to get out the hhuistroy bOoks !!!!!!!111 haX0r the plannat!!!!!!!!1~ LOLOLOOLOL..

Wal folks, it's finally hyar, so quit whin'in'. Competishun 29: Map Sumpin Histo'ical is alive an' kickin', so git t'it. Yo' haf a month t'getcher intries in, as enny fool kin plainly see.

Th' competishun will be judged by Penguinfella an' mahse'f: yessuh, ah's makin' a return t'compo judgin'. Now, toddle off t'Hammer an' git crackin'.

Please make sho'nuff t'check out th' thread fo' updates an' an FAQ.

Edit: Don Punch has given th' mo'e advanced mappers aroun' hyar a through guide fo' sprucin' up yer maps wif a bit of extry spice in "Detailin' map brushes usin' XSI". This hyar is Don Punch's fust tuto'ial, so hoof it on, take a look. Shet mah mouth!

edit: dang you to teh dewd who pushed up the otehr optionn~~

Cowwect me if I'm wwong fowks, but I do bewieve we'we about to have a fiwst second on TWHW: a mawwiage! Pwovided Wimwook isn't a gweat, big, diwty wiaw, he is to be congwatuwated fow pwoposing to his pawtnew. Dis is Wimwook's second appeawance in the news wecentwy, so wet's twy and have a bit of time whewe you don't do something newswowthy, ok? ;)

In othew news, it wooks wike the next compo wiww stawt up soon, uh-hah-hah-hah. Unwess those poww wesuwts deceive me, it couwd be time to get out the histowy books. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! ..

Edit: Dang you to the pewson who pushed up the othew option!
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-03 22:37:12 UTC Comment #99735
No comment.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-04 03:19:25 UTC Comment #99736
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-04 05:32:35 UTC Comment #99737
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-04 07:50:24 UTC Comment #99738

Don't do that, Dimbark.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-04 17:59:47 UTC Comment #99739
Haha, even the moderators are stumped by that.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-07 09:06:05 UTC Comment #99740
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-17 23:41:20 UTC Comment #99741
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-23 06:20:05 UTC Comment #99752
historical? i may as well just flog the stone hendge map from They Hunger 3. no one will know the diff.

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