TWHL Tower 2

Posted 4 years ago2019-11-04 12:38:26 UTC
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
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In case you missed it, TWHL Tower 2 has started. If you're not familiar, the goal is to build whatever you please in a 1024x1024x224 space, to make all the floors for our very own tower. Any old idea is welcome. It's a nice, small place to start if you're new to mapping, or to challenge yourself if you've been here as long as the rest of us old fogies. It'll be running through to the end of January next year, so you'll have 3 whole months and probably then some to get something together. Give it a look here!


If you're struggling to finish your map in time, good news: the deadline has been extended to the 29th of February. That's a month and a half still left to get something together. Happy mapping!


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