Competition - Half-Life 25th Anniversary: Vanilla HLDM

Posted 7 months ago2023-11-29 02:45:08 UTC
We couldn't just let Valve's 25th Anniversary updates for Half-Life go without a TWHL-style celebration!

So we're announcing the Half-Life 25th Anniversary: Vanilla HLDM Competition - make an all-new vanilla Half-Life deathmatch map!
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Half-Life 25th Anniversary: Vanilla HLDM Competition

Simple: make an all-new deathmatch map for Half-Life and keep it "vanilla" to stay in the style of the game's standard maps.

Deadline: January 17th, 2024.


Commented 7 months ago2023-11-29 04:03:56 UTC Comment #105672

i recently started on my first map (of any game, let alone half life), so once i'm done with that, this'll be a great project
Commented 7 months ago2023-11-30 13:08:35 UTC Comment #105678
Ohh this'll be good, can't wait to see what people make for this! Love me some maps that stay true to the game's look & feel.
Thanks to all mappers =)
Commented 7 months ago2023-12-01 23:41:58 UTC Comment #105681
Consider me signed up :)
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Commented 7 months ago2023-12-03 18:51:50 UTC Comment #105686
I've been waiting for this..
Commented 7 months ago2023-12-12 13:36:11 UTC Comment #105721
Thanks to all mappers =)
Commented 7 months ago2023-12-12 15:56:34 UTC Comment #105722
Welp... there goes my free time
Commented 7 months ago2023-12-18 15:43:32 UTC Comment #105761
Whoa.. I'd really love to, but I'm swamped with code and models. :( But I'm making the best HLDM mod, so can relate :D
Commented 6 months ago2024-01-18 11:31:26 UTC Comment #105892
Looking forward to seeing results!
Very curious indeed )

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