
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-02 03:15:35 UTC • Voting closed • 0 comments
  • Nope: 53% (42 votes)
  • No: 47% (37 votes)
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-02 03:15:35 UTC • Voting closed • 0 comments
Would you use a thread-subscription tool as found in many other forums?
  • No: 51% (26 votes)
  • Yes: 29% (15 votes)
  • Don't know: 20% (10 votes)
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-02 03:15:35 UTC • Voting closed • 0 comments
Which browser do you generally visit TWHL in? If you vote for "other", please <a href="privmsg.php?action=compmsg&pmto=57" target="_blank">send a private message to Seventh-Monkey</a> telling him which, in the
  • Firefox: 52% (65 votes)
  • Internet Explorer: 26% (32 votes)
  • Opera: 17% (21 votes)
  • Other: 2% (3 votes)
  • Mozilla: 2% (2 votes)
  • Safari: 1% (1 vote)
  • Netscape: 1% (1 vote)
  • Camino: 0% (0 votes)
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-02 03:15:35 UTC • Voting closed • 0 comments
What do you think of the TWHL IRC channel? Do you partake frequently, or avoid it like the plague?
  • I pop in sometimes: 28% (36 votes)
  • Huh? IRC?: 23% (29 votes)
  • I'm always there: 17% (22 votes)
  • Rarely bother: 14% (18 votes)
  • I don't use chat stuff: 13% (16 votes)
  • I dislike the channel: 5% (7 votes)
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-02 03:15:35 UTC • Voting closed • 0 comments
If English isn't your first language, approximately how long have you been studying or speaking it for?
  • N/A but I want to vote anyway: 56% (66 votes)
  • More than five years: 32% (38 votes)
  • Four years: 5% (6 votes)
  • Three years: 3% (3 votes)
  • Five years: 3% (3 votes)
  • Less than a year: 1% (1 vote)
  • One year: 1% (1 vote)
  • Two years: 0% (0 votes)