unless of course you are referring to film which sucked hard
just played the beta of this map and whistles it is one map and a half!Im pretty sure he's not adding any more rooms considering he's giving the beta to friends.
temptured..temptured? wtf is temptured?!?!!?
How long ago did that happen?about a year ago.
Do ya still have claustriphoby?Yes. Not nearly as bad but i wont set foot in an elevator anymore.
Tommorrow most likely
don't forget the thread this timeuhuh
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I don't see why everyone hates Jar Jar so much.
This guy is a freak, an imbicile, and an in-bred! Some nutcase must've slipped crack in Lucas's beer to make him think of that **! He's a discrace to Star Wars! Lucas should do the movies the way he did the original trilogy. Jar Jar's nothing but a cross-dressing nymphomaniac! He should be donated to a biology class on Corascant and be slowly disected, alive!
they should use the death star on Naboo and exterminate the entire race of retards
Okay I get it, Star Wars is a "kids movie", according to George Lucas. I still think the character Jar Jar was horrible and the animation was just as bad. There were a lot of key characters in Episode 1 that could have been explored in much greater detail. It seems obvious to me that this movie was written and cast to sell toys.
There are no words to describe the pain the Binks thing should be put through......
Star Wars Episode 1 was what I consider to be an "equal opportunity movie". Lucus had to inject a rapstar alien into his script and destroy his art. He should have taken his work more serious because the rest of the world takes it seriously. What he did to his movie was similar to taking a diamond and rubbing it in a mound of shit.
Show your hate for Jar Jar with some "Meesa Thinks Jar Jar SUCKS!" merchandise...should i stop now?
But I am guessing you guys haven't seen Dodgeball or 40 Year old virgin?oh good. more predictibly 'hilarious' american 5 day film trash.