Forum posts

Posted 3 hours ago2025-03-28 20:46:26 UTC
in Competition 44: TWHL Synthesis Post #349676
Sweet. Time to fire up those creative juices...
jtmk007 jtmk007Sharp Income
I wanna make model like this:
I know that model uses bones to move some faces to make expressions so how to create new joints and make it work?
Posted 10 hours ago2025-03-28 13:24:01 UTC
in Competition 44: TWHL Synthesis Post #349674
I will never discourage anyone who wants to make a new campaign. :D
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 16 hours ago2025-03-28 07:40:52 UTC
in Competition 44: TWHL Synthesis Post #349673
Not limited to a single map, go nuts :)
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 23 hours ago2025-03-28 01:16:18 UTC
in Competition 44: TWHL Synthesis Post #349670
Are we limited to a single map/bsp file for our entry or can we have multiple connected maps for a mini single player "campaign" experience?
jtmk007 jtmk007Sharp Income
Posted 1 day ago2025-03-27 03:05:15 UTC
in Get current map, mapcycle manipulation Post #349669
OK, the current map name should be accessed through gpGlobals->mapname, I found that. Haven't yet tried in plactice.
Posted 1 day ago2025-03-27 03:00:01 UTC
in Get current map, mapcycle manipulation Post #349668
I'm thinking about a Metamod plugin that could bump the mapcycle to the last running map in case the server is restarted or crashed. Like I'd write a text file with the last map name when it is started (thinking of ServerActivate()), and then look up that map and position the mapcycle there in case the server is restarted. How do I even get the current map name in Metamod?

I found the mapcycle struct in HLSDK here:

But how can I access it from Metamod? I mean there are RTV (Rock The Vote) plugins those do exactly these kinds of manipulations, so it must be possible, but I haven't actually found the source code of any of them.
Posted 3 days ago2025-03-25 15:06:01 UTC
in My .map file was broken? Post #349667
You have to many wad files. Go to JACK settings, remove unused wads and compile the map again. Also don't open .map use JACK original .jmf format.
Posted 4 days ago2025-03-24 19:13:44 UTC
in Rules for level transition? Post #349666
Thanks to both of you. I never made it to having to transition to another map in the past; this one was getting big. I have it working now, after sorting out some logic issues. Much to consider!

I am happy to see my elevator remains 'down' where it was as I ended map1, so it is there to use again in map2!

What seems to be the way to do this is to complete the area in map1 you are going to copy, with landmark, trigger_transitions....THEN copy it over complete and rename as appropriate. I did this all manually and it took quite a bit of adjusting, not knowing that I was in fact going to change maps at that point.
Posted 4 days ago2025-03-24 16:07:09 UTC
in Rules for level transition? Post #349665
Also, never underestimate the importance of trigger_transition. This is a brush entity which shares the same name as your info_landmark. This acts as a sort of bounding box, only carrying over entities that are within the area of the trigger_transition. It's a good idea to make it full the room or corridor you are in when you change level.

This is useful when making level changes when using an elevator, but also ensures that you're not carrying entities such as enemies over to the next map. By default, if they occupy a space that's not out in the void, they will appear in the next map.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 4 days ago2025-03-24 14:43:25 UTC
in Rules for level transition? Post #349664
The info_landmark entity is a reference point for the two maps. Its position is irrelevant, you may place it at the origin, at (256, -128, 32), anywhere.
What matters is that the position of the corresponding objects in each map are the same relative to each info_landmark entity.

For example you connect two maps with a transition in a corridor.
That corridor will be identical in both maps, so it makes sense to place our info_landmark here. Make sure it's in the exact same spot of that corridor in each map (regardless of actual coordinate location). Also note how we placed the trigger_changelevel on the right side of the corridor in Map A but on the left side in Map B. This is to allow for some distance between the level change triggers.
User posted image
This map might be fairly large, so our level change in Map A might be on the far east (right) part of the world, and the corresponding section is in the far south-west (bottom-left) part of the world, allowing us to make a section that stretches north-east.
Posted 4 days ago2025-03-24 14:16:51 UTC
in Rules for level transition? Post #349663
Actually, OK - I got things better-aligned and can go between maps...a bit jittery, as if the floor height is slightly different, but working.

Still wondering about "RULES" tho. :)
Posted 4 days ago2025-03-24 13:55:46 UTC
in Rules for level transition? Post #349661
Hi, ok - I can do a very simple level transition if I copy/paste a single room and change the appropriate trigger names. That works ok.

I tried this with 2 more complicated maps I've already done a lot of work on; what I get is a 'looking down from above' of the 2nd map, then HOM. I've tried a bunch of things to sort it out - placing the info_landmark at the origin and trying to line up both maps to this spot, and so on...doesn't seem to help. Only info_playerstart is in the 1st map.

So the question is - are there rules to know about transitions, beyond what is mentioned in the TWHL tutorial? Does the landmark need to be at the exact same coordinate in each map? How about the triggers? Can you transition while on a moving func_train (I tried with an elevator, nope!).

Thanks for any tips!
Posted 4 days ago2025-03-24 13:54:04 UTC
in 5th Anniversary of Half-life: Alyx! Post #349660
5 YEARS!? God that feels so... SO wrong lmao!
Same by me. It is difficult to realize that the music video from The Chalkeaters - Count to Three came out almost 4 years ago!
Combiner 1P Combiner 1PEvolve. Control. Combine.
Posted 4 days ago2025-03-24 11:04:22 UTC
in Competition 44: TWHL Synthesis Post #349659
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 days ago2025-03-23 23:21:27 UTC
in Competition 44: TWHL Synthesis Post #349658
Getting a start on my map right away! :3
Seacat08 Seacat08I'm a slice of toast
Posted 5 days ago2025-03-23 21:13:27 UTC
in My .map file was broken? Post #349657 here is .map file

That errors to .spr file exist from the begining and everything be fine to today
Posted 5 days ago2025-03-23 20:55:59 UTC
in My .map file was broken? Post #349656
Well, there seems to be several errors in that output:
Error: can't open "sprites/CS/Armoury.spr" (No such file or directory)
Error: can't open "sprites/CS/Hostage.spr" (No such file or directory)
Error: can't open "sprites/CS/BombTarget.spr" (No such file or directory)
Error: can't open "sprites/CS/HostageRescue.spr" (No such file or directory)
Error: can't open "sprites/CS/MapParams.spr" (No such file or directory)
Error: can't open "sprites/CS/Terrorist.spr" (No such file or directory)
Error: can't open "sprites/CS/CT.spr" (No such file or directory)
Error: can't open "sprites/CS/VIP.spr" (No such file or directory)
Error: can't open "sprites/lightbulb.spr" (No such file or directory)
Error: token too large on line 5`
Is your editor properly configured, with all paths for the current game/mod profile?

Also, could you share the .map with us? Or tell us what is at line 5.
Posted 5 days ago2025-03-23 20:49:35 UTC
in .qc file troubles. [help needed] Post #349655
In case it's of any interest to anybody, I have this GIMP script that I use for automatically converting images to GoldSrc instead of going through all the steps every time:
Posted 5 days ago2025-03-23 20:09:51 UTC
in 5th Anniversary of Half-life: Alyx! Post #349654
Goodness. I remember that year I promised myself I'd get a job and get a VR headset. 3 years later I did just that.

It's a pretty good game, twas worth the trouble.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 5 days ago2025-03-23 19:41:46 UTC
in 5th Anniversary of Half-life: Alyx! Post #349653
5 YEARS!? God that feels so... SO wrong lmao!
Seacat08 Seacat08I'm a slice of toast
Posted 5 days ago2025-03-23 17:53:15 UTC
in My .map file was broken? Post #349652
Hi i have problem with my map, im trying to open .map file and map was empty, file is 520kb, so there is any data but something is wrong anyone can help me?

here is log when i click file>open>

``J.A.C.K. zainicjowany (PE x64 build Jan 5 2024 22:23:33)
Using config path: "C:/Users/steam/OneDrive/Dokumenty/J.A.C.K." [RWE]
Using config path: "C:/Program Files/J.A.C.K" [RE]
2 config path(s) added
Adding: "C:/Program Files/J.A.C.K/plugins/vpHalfLifex64.dll"
3 map export format(s) registered
4 map import format(s) registered
1 package format(s) registered
1 sky format(s) registered
1 sprite format(s) registered
1 model format(s) registered
1 archive format(s) registered
Adding: "C:/Program Files/J.A.C.K/plugins/vpQuake2x64.dll"
1 map export format(s) registered
1 map import format(s) registered
1 texture format(s) registered
1 sky format(s) registered
1 sprite format(s) registered
1 model format(s) registered
1 archive format(s) registered
Adding: "C:/Program Files/J.A.C.K/plugins/vpQuake3x64.dll"
1 map export format(s) registered
1 map import format(s) registered
2 texture format(s) registered
1 package format(s) registered
3 model format(s) registered
1 archive format(s) registered
Adding: "C:/Program Files/J.A.C.K/plugins/vpQuakex64.dll"
1 map export format(s) registered
1 map import format(s) registered
1 package format(s) registered
1 sky format(s) registered
1 sprite format(s) registered
2 model format(s) registered
1 archive format(s) registered
Added archive: "C:/Program Files/J.A.C.K/sprites.pak" (14 files)
Using extension: GL_ARB_texture_compression
Using extension: GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
Using extension: GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap
Using extension: GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp
Using extension: GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
Loading textures from "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/cstrike/cstrike.wad"...
Loading textures from "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/valve/halflife.wad"...
Loading textures from "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/cstrike/cs_dust.wad"...
Entering: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/cstrike/halflife-cs.fgd"
Error: can't open "sprites/CS/Armoury.spr" (No such file or directory)
Error: can't open "sprites/CS/Hostage.spr" (No such file or directory)
Error: can't open "sprites/CS/BombTarget.spr" (No such file or directory)
Error: can't open "sprites/CS/HostageRescue.spr" (No such file or directory)
Error: can't open "sprites/CS/MapParams.spr" (No such file or directory)
Error: can't open "sprites/CS/Terrorist.spr" (No such file or directory)
Error: can't open "sprites/CS/CT.spr" (No such file or directory)
Error: can't open "sprites/CS/VIP.spr" (No such file or directory)
Error: can't open "sprites/lightbulb.spr" (No such file or directory)
Loading: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/cstrike/maps/"
Entering: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/cstrike/maps/"
Error: token too large on line 5
Loaded project with game configuration "CS 1.6"``
The issue with this tutorial is that it says to export the file as a .wav, which will kill the quality of the music
As far as I know, GoldSrc only supports looping for WAV files. If you need to loop your audio, it is better to convert it to WAV
Posted 5 days ago2025-03-23 06:19:09 UTC
in 5th Anniversary of Half-life: Alyx! Post #349650
Exactly five years ago, on March 23, 2020, one of the most amazing Valvе games was released.
This post is dedicated to the anniversary of the game, and just wants to inform all forum members.

Damn, time flies fast...
Combiner 1P Combiner 1PEvolve. Control. Combine.
Posted 5 days ago2025-03-23 02:06:53 UTC
in Competition 44: TWHL Synthesis Post #349649
Here's the place to discuss, ask questions, or show off your work-in-progress screenshots for the TWHL Synthesis competition!

Best of luck, I can't wait to see what you come up with!
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
The issue with this tutorial is that it says to export the file as a .wav, which will kill the quality of the music
Hi, you will need several programs, there is nothing complicated about it, here is a detailed description of how to loop the sound, good luck!)
Posted 6 days ago2025-03-22 16:49:23 UTC
in My hud ui not showing Post #349646
Thanks, I will try that
Posted 6 days ago2025-03-22 09:12:34 UTC
in .qc file troubles. [help needed] Post #349645
Great to hear, congrats! 🥳

For scaling the model, you don't even need to do that in the editor, just adding a $scale x command in the QC where x is the scale factor and recompiling is enough. Alternatively, you can use Transformation widget (Ctrl+M to show it if it's hidden) in HLAM to apply it to the model directly without any compilation/decompilation at all.

If you scale it in Blender, or just as a general tip for working with GoldSrc models in Blender, I can recommend changing the Scene Units to None. That way one unit in Blender will correspond to one game unit.
User posted image
From there you can use the typical reference measures as one would use in mapping, for example a human is about 72 units tall, a room wall is about 128 units tall, doors are 64x96, and so on.
Posted 6 days ago2025-03-22 06:53:57 UTC
in [Help] Can't compile bsp map. Post #349644
The issue has been resolved; the cause was the presence of characters in the path that are not part of the ASCII set.
Posted 1 week ago2025-03-21 22:45:08 UTC
in .qc file troubles. [help needed] Post #349643

I just needed to resize the .bmp to 256x256 and it worked!

now i need to resize the model in blender and it will become a real sized model.

Thanks for the help Erty, ill probably use all of this info for my future models.
Posted 1 week ago2025-03-21 22:15:20 UTC
in .qc file troubles. [help needed] Post #349642
When you fixed up the image in Blender it might have changed the format.
It needs to be 8bit indexed BMP, with exactly 256 colours.

There are different ways to achieve the format, this guide by The303 is a pretty good resource.
Another method is to use WadMaker to create a WAD (this guide also by The303 explains the process), and then extract the BMP using Wally.
Posted 1 week ago2025-03-21 21:49:55 UTC
in .qc file troubles. [help needed] Post #349641
ok so i applied the material (the mt_lamplight.bmp image) onto my mesh, and i exported it again and i didnt change the .qc. I recompiled again and now it gave me the error:

************* ERROR ************
./mt_lamplight.bmp not found*

So i had the thought to remove the $cdtexture. it now gave me the error:

************* ERROR ************
error -3000 reading BMP image "./mt_lamplight.bmp"*

and also in the compile log, it said that it was "invalid BMP file header". Like, what happened there?

(Also to mention, i encountered an error saying that i needed to make the .bmp file 8-bit. I made the file 8-bit. I fixed it up in Blender and saved it. It didn't do anything i think, I recompiled and it still gave me the same errors.)
Was gonna try mapping on my "main laptop" instead of my older laptop (which I have made everything on Moddb from)

Anybody else has this issue?

I have tried different screen resolutions (from the desktop menu to change things) and also the "scaling" function in different settings.

It's always cluttered like this.
caption textcaption text
caption textcaption text
Posted 1 week ago2025-03-21 19:59:49 UTC
in My hud ui not showing Post #349639
I can highly recommend learning how to use a Version Control (such as Git) and fork a project like HL Updated SDK.
With version control you can easily compare changes you've made with the original code, and even revert those changes to go back to the original state.

With that said, you should try from scratch with a clean copy of the SDK and try to get that to compile successfully first before adding any other changes.

Since all you showed was adding the creation of three new cvars in hud.cpp, but the tutorial has several more steps than just that, you're not giving me the impression you're keeping track of your own changes. Starting from scratch and having the project successfully compile from the beginning will be very helpful. And having version control to keep track of your changes for you automatically is a very good help as well 🙂
Posted 1 week ago2025-03-21 19:07:22 UTC
in My hud ui not showing Post #349638

I think I copy from the valve folder, I add CVars form a tutorial
Posted 1 week ago2025-03-21 19:05:06 UTC
in My hud ui not showing Post #349637
I have draw hud on it just for some reason it show
Posted 1 week ago2025-03-21 11:27:07 UTC
in .qc file troubles. [help needed] Post #349636
$cdtexture is only useful if your textures are in a different folder from the one you used $cd to enter (for example if they're in a subfolder). In this case it's not needed.

"./no_material not found" means that one or more faces of your mesh has no material applied to it.
When using Blender with BlenderSourceTools, you use materials to apply textures to the mesh. The name of the material should be the name of the texture file (including the .bmp extension!), and all faces must have a material applied to it.
Posted 1 week ago2025-03-21 10:01:09 UTC
in My hud ui not showing Post #349635
When you say that "it doesn't show the HUD UI", do you mean that you have no HUD at all? Like, not health, no HEV suit charge, no ammo...?

Open the console and use the hud_draw 1 command, because maybe you disabled the HUD in your game config.
Posted 1 week ago2025-03-21 04:28:26 UTC
in .qc file troubles. [help needed] Post #349634
Oh so thats how you make a screenshot appire in TWHL, thanks for the advice :)

i just realized that in the $sequence section, i put in "mt_lightlamp_referance" instead of "mt_lamplight_referance", so i fixed that, and its now fixed maybe???

but now it (crowbar) gave me an error about materials, and i knew that i needed to put in a $cdtexture.

I put this line into my .qc, " $cdtexture "." " ( i heared that if any file located in the same file that the .qc is in, you put in a "." correct me if I'm wrong.) but it gave me the error:

************ ERROR ************
./no_material not found

I dont know what i did wrong.

so this is my new .qc file:
$modelname mt_lamplight.mdl
$cd "."
$scale 1.5
$cdtexture "."


$body studio "mt_lamplight_referance"

$sequence "idle_forever" "mt_lamplight_referance"
Posted 1 week ago2025-03-21 04:15:06 UTC
in [Help] Can't compile bsp map. Post #349633
Somehow I'm 100% sure the problem isn't in the map.
Posted 1 week ago2025-03-21 03:36:54 UTC
in [Help] Can't compile bsp map. Post #349632
You don't have to send screenshots, you can just paste the text from them and use formatting.

Anyway, if nothing changed, then that's not necessary.

This is a pretty weird issue. Can you send the entire .map file? I want to try compiling it myself tomorrow and see what's the issue.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 1 week ago2025-03-21 03:19:21 UTC
in My hud ui not showing Post #349631
Neither are we. This is a shot in the dark, but did you copy delta.lst from the SDK code or did you copy it from the valve folder?

Also, make sure your HUD isn't hidden via a console command or something like that.

Lastly, what code did you exactly change? Did you edit those HUD colour CVars or did you add them yourself, following some tutorial?
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 1 week ago2025-03-21 03:07:35 UTC
in [Help] Can't compile bsp map. Post #349630
Removed all textures from JACK except used (two) on the map, but the problem has not disappeared, the same error.
When trying to open the map in the game, the warning ‘Couldn't open Ha.wad’ appears

Edit: I don't see much point in sending a screenshot from the .map file a second time, literally nothing has changed there except the number of textures.
Also, from line 10 onwards it's just the location of the walls on the map.
But if you really need it, I can send it.
Posted 1 week ago2025-03-21 02:48:20 UTC
in [Help] Can't compile bsp map. Post #349629
That's a lot of textures, even if you're not using most of them. You should try to use relative paths when possible, instead of absolute paths.

Basically, one WAD path should just be "valve/halflife.wad" or "cstrike/de_aztec.wad" for example, not the full path. J.A.C.K. will auto-detect that and use shorter, relative paths if your game config points to the right place. That is, if your base game directory is D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Half-Life/valve, J.A.C.K. will auto-detect WADs relative to that path.

If that doesn't work, then a simple workaround is to put a folder with your WADs somewhere on your drive, for example C:/Wads/halflife.wad.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 1 week ago2025-03-21 01:08:52 UTC
in [Help] Can't compile bsp map. Post #349628 first 10 lines of map file (img hosting site 1) first 10 lines of map file (img hosting site 2)
I remembered something, when trying to open a map that compiled with an error, the game refuses to open it with the text “Unable to open Ha.wad”

EDIT: I can probably guess why the error occurred. The limit in 255 characters in one line. But I still need at least a confirmation from you.
I myself don't know why, I have all WAD files were saved when exporting the map to a map file, in fact on the map only Half-Life.wad textures are used.
The compiler parameters are the default, I didn't change anything at all
Posted 1 week ago2025-03-21 00:42:16 UTC
in [Help] Can't compile bsp map. Post #349627
Show us the lines around line 2. Even better, the first 10 or 20 lines in the .map file.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 1 week ago2025-03-20 23:59:18 UTC
in [Help] Can't compile bsp map. Post #349626
An error appears when trying to compile the map:
Error: Line 2 is incomplete (did you place a " inside an entity string?)

The main problem is that this error appeared, literally, from nothing and appears when trying to compile absolutely any map, even those that before compiled absolutely normally.
I compiled the maps in J.A.C.K., I have already tried to check the integrity of the application files, reinstall the application, compile through the bat file. Nothing helped.
On the internet I noticed a tip to open .map file in notepad and look at a specific line to find the source of the problem. I have the following text on line 2:
"classname" "worldspawn"
Posted 1 week ago2025-03-20 23:26:02 UTC
in My hud ui not showing Post #349625
I try that and I still diden see the hud ui, even when I first download the updated SDK with no changes it diden show the hud ui. So am not sure what is happing?
Posted 1 week ago2025-03-20 21:05:56 UTC
in My hud ui not showing Post #349624
I'm guessing by those cvars that you've been following Tutorial: Customising the HUD colour?
That tutorial is mostly for making a HUD whose colours can be customised using cvars, but if you just want a specific, permanent colour you can skip creating those three cvars and go straight to changing UnpackRGB in cl_util.h into something like:
inline void UnpackRGB(int& r, int& g, int& b, unsigned long ulRGB)
    if ( ulRGB == RGB_YELLOWISH )
        r = 0;
        g = 0;
        b = 255;
        r = (ulRGB & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
        g = (ulRGB & 0xFF00) >> 8;
        b = ulRGB & 0xFF;
Tried it myself with HL-Updated SDK with only the above change to UnpackRGB (except setting r=255 and b=0) and it compiled successfully and worked fine in-game:
User posted image


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