Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2008-05-12 10:11:32 UTC
in Bioshock Movie Post #249885
Tets. Ofcourse a movie can't do any other media justice, just as a book wouldn't do a movie justice, or even a game. Just look at movies that later become games, they suck ass!

The problem is that the fans always want an exact replica of the game as a movie. But that just doesn't work! And everybody would already know exacly what's going to happen. So I think we need to step back a few steps and remind ourselvs that this movie is not the game.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-12 10:03:36 UTC
in Bioshock Movie Post #249883
Andy, dude! The Silent Hill move was AAAAAWESOME!
And the Doom movie was allright! ok, they deleted the demons from hell and replaced them with stupid genetical experiments... But it was still an awesome movie! They had the BFG and that awesome fps scene!

And the FIRST Resident evil movie was pretty much allright!

I haven't really played Bioshock so I don't know that much about the story, but if the story is good the movie should be good!

Have some faith, damn it! :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-09 06:10:07 UTC
in Missing Enities Post #249771
Ok, mr.Fancypants! :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-08 13:15:14 UTC
in Missing Enities Post #249736
It has Muzz... It's called "deleted scenes" or something, it's basicly crap.
But I think they used the regular HL fgd's and DLLs for that thing, so just try that.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-08 13:12:41 UTC
in Burma Post #249735
Blitzkrieg, they don't have to be identified to be dead, they just have to be found... And dead.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-29 06:48:59 UTC
Yeah, Im with unbreakable on this one. Constructive critisism is the key.

Allthoug I would probably love to play a mod that has that level of bad mapping. It's probably related to my passion for B horror movies.

It doesn't really matter if he's 11, that's still some shitty ass mapping. The people who play the mod wont know that he's 11, and they wont care. There's just no excuse for bad mapping. So just keep on working on them.

And you are forgetting the most important thing; logic.
When you're in a building, you don't have HUGE doors leading to the reseption, they are usualy slightly bigger and sometimes made out of glass, but they're not huge military style doors.

And you don't have random zombie-pits in hallways, nobody would ever build something like that! It's not the right thing to do here! Every door, every room and every tiny little thing must have a reason for being there. It needs to fit in. And you don't have those long hallways that leads to one tiny room in real life. If you'd have them, they'd probably have a bunch of other doors leading to other rooms aswell.
User posted image
But there's still hope.

I'll make you a deal here, if you're upcoming media looks better. and the media after that looks better than the last. I will make you a soundtrack.

I can't help with mapping or anything, Im already swamped in other projects, my job and my social life. But I'll make you a soundtrack if you improve the overall quality of the mod.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-23 12:10:04 UTC
in Fy_canyon Post #249099
It looks a little dark, otherwise it's quite nice.... Although the middle thingies could be replaced with just a bridge.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-23 12:06:51 UTC
in google cameras Post #249097
Those things usualy aren't security cameras... They're usualy just webcams set up on various locations so that the general public can have a looksie.

Who would brodcast the footage from a security camera online?
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-23 05:31:09 UTC
in Do You Ebay!? Post #249085
I Ebay! :D

It's been mostly old Atari 2600 games, controllers and whatnot.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-01 13:39:23 UTC
in BrainBread - Last Stand London Post #248333
I think it's G3 something :)
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-24 07:56:40 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #247939
My ukulele.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-21 14:17:32 UTC
in Respawn plugin Post #247849
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-20 04:40:00 UTC
in BrainBread - Last Stand London Post #247827
Urby picked me up in Birmingham! And Im from Sweden...

But dude, this thread is supposed to be about my map! :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-19 22:48:41 UTC
in BrainBread - Last Stand London Post #247825
Because that's not were Urby lives! :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-19 18:24:26 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #247819

If you know that walls usualy connect to a floor at the bottom and the cealing at the top, you are very unlikely to get leaks, if you just stick to that basic rules.

If you did create a leak, (leaks are indeed created, they don't just appear randomly) just open the map in hammer and look around, the leak is pretty much always a wall that doesn't go all the way up or all the way down.

Unless you have a big window in the cealing and forgot to but a skybrush on top of it.


Adding details in a HL1 map is a tricky, tricky thing to do. Details made out of brushes is sometimes needed, like vents, lights and other basic stuff. But I've noticed that the best way to add details in HL1 is simply to alter the textures. If you already have custom textures, make a bunch of different walltexture with the same base but add grafiti, stains, paincracks and whatnot on them, or use decals to make the same effect.

Brick walls.

All the bricks in a brick wall doesn't look the same. Most of the time they have slightly different shades of the colour they have. Keep this in mind when you make brickwall textures, make a few different textures that tile with eachother but looks different, it will make your walls look sooo much better.


I know, Im one of the few people that uses lightbulbs insted of texlights. I use this method simply because that's the way it's done in real life. Just look at the room you're in now, unless it's a tiny, tiny room, the light isn't as static as with texlights in HL. Some walls are more lit then others.

Also, if your map has windows, use a light a enviorment so that some light is coming in from the windows. Small effect, I know but it really makes a difference.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-19 17:51:12 UTC
in BrainBread - Last Stand London Post #247818
which part of london is it?
I have no idea, dude! Probably some suburb area! I've never been to London myself, I just liked the name :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-19 15:32:46 UTC
in Fruity loops Post #247817
I always record my own sounds for FL. So it's sertainly possible.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-19 11:31:20 UTC
in CrazyWeek '08 Post #247814
I've a question, which of you is tosser Tosse and which is Urbanebula?
Im the flannel wearing guy :P

I've been exhausted this last few days, so I haven't charged my camera yet (which I need to do in order to finalize all the discs with the crazyfootage).
But Im gonna do that now, make a cup of coffee and go through the hours of footage that we have!

Im pretty sure that it's gonna be crazy being that we were completly wasted and I don't remember most of the stuff!

Soo... Crazyvideos will appear in a near future! :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-17 20:59:31 UTC
in Gman's Epic Yardsale Post #247758
A little semi-animated Gmod comic I made. First one, actualy.

I don't have fraps so I just made this out of a shitload of printscreens and moviemaker.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-17 11:13:30 UTC
in CrazyWeek '08 Post #247748
Yeah, it's true, it did!

And we were either too drunk or too hungover to do anything about it! :P
But I'll import all the footage and edit it later!
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-07 12:18:10 UTC
in Where do you TWHL3? Post #247338
Yeah, I have a optical Microsoft mouse, so far it's been with me for four years, it's still going strong and it's awesome. I've also got a wireless Logitech which I'm having no problems with.

Laser mouse? I reeeeeeally don't see the point. Some people say it's better for precition and speed, but if your monitor ain't 1 X 1 kilometers big I really don't see the point! :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-07 10:10:59 UTC
in Where do you TWHL3? Post #247330
Satchmo, don't your neck hurt after a while? It gotta be a bitch to always have to look to you side and stuff, especialy while gaming.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-06 18:15:24 UTC
in Who is Gman ? Post #247309
I don't think even Valve knows who Gman really is. And that's why we don't know.

And the reason for them to not tell us that much is beacuse they can't come up with any cool stuff! Maybe they'll do it later, who knows. But I'm sticking with my theory, they have no idea who he is. And that's why they have him in there, it's an easy way to make us intrested.

Dude 1 "Hmm... Dudes, this story sucks! What should we do?"

Dude 2 "...Just add some dude in a suit."

Dude 1 "Well, who the fuck is that dude? What's he doing there and where did he came from? ...I mean what's his motivation?"

Dude 2 "Exactly!"
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-06 12:54:42 UTC
in Half life crash with game_counter and ga Post #247297
@Rimrook: Fade and distort do work on brushes! I've used it on several ocations!

Although, Im not entierly sure that it was in original half-life, it might have been Spirit. But I'm ALMOST sure that it was in the original HL.

So Tets, mess around with the Rendering FX stuff on your hologram and see what you can come up with. Also try the different combinations with both Additive mode and Texture mode. You should be able to get a pretty nice hologram. Also try and alter the texture for furter effects. Maybe make an animated texture?
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-06 12:48:49 UTC
in Where do you TWHL3? Post #247296
Yeah, but Lego rocks so it's cool! Anybody who says that we doesn't get the urge to play with it when he sees a good pile of Lego is a liar :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-06 12:42:59 UTC
in Where do you TWHL3? Post #247293
Well, you're talking about actual EMO's and not the style of music/clothing.
You find those kinds of emos everywhere.

The emos that I know are laid back, outgoing and have interesting taste in music...

So let's just put it like this.
Bithing emos = FAIL. Style emos = OK?

So let's get back to the desks, this is offtopic. I'm sorry for contributing to the offtopic posting.

@Kristi N, oh, that's a classic layout right there :)
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-06 10:03:07 UTC
in Where do you TWHL3? Post #247286
Yeah, I love Trapt's shoes. I've had quite a lot of shoes like that. Too bad they don't last very long. I had a pair of typical "flannel" pattern'd ones and a pair with skulls... Also the original black ones...

As for that whole Emo/scene-kid discussion, come on guys? What's the point? Atleast those guys don't try to look hardcore like the metalheads nowdays, and none of the succeed. No, not even you Hunter! :P

And I never understood the fancy thing about glowing windows on your PC. I've got a shiny DELL logo and a glowing on/off button!
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-03 16:34:10 UTC
in Where do you TWHL3? Post #247108
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-03 00:05:27 UTC
in Competition 25 Post #247081
Best compo yet! I might be joining, if I can find something intresting enough re-do in HL! :)
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-02 22:50:41 UTC
in Require someone to fix a map for me! Post #247077
You really should have asked TWHL to do the map before you asked that asshole! :P

TWHL is a box stuffed with angry, horny penises, the map would have been done in no-time and it would have looked awesome aswell, we are a group of very dedicated dudes when we are showing our skills for girls or not-as-talented dudes.

Im not a source mapper so I can't help you, but as someone in here said, you have a small army of dudes wanting to help you out!

So good luck to you and the helpers!
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-28 18:28:31 UTC
in OMG Post #246809
You're free to think what the hell you want! But you still don't have to make a thread about it!

There is several TWHL3 threads already.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-28 18:21:52 UTC
in OMG Post #246807
It's too colorfull! It makes it harder to focus on TWHL itself!

But I DON'T think it's enough to make a thread about it, and I think it's the wrong forum for that. So this thread fails.

Just normal fail, no truck this time.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-28 13:59:01 UTC
in THE SIMS 2 (TWHL PROJECT 2) Post #246790
Fuck yeah! And the bandname will either be "butthole jumpers", "Black hot Turkiskpeppar" or "Electric facefarts"! :D
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-28 12:15:24 UTC
in Favourite Youtube videos Post #246785
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-28 11:57:28 UTC
in THE SIMS 2 (TWHL PROJECT 2) Post #246779
We gonna have a sim band! :D Hunter on drums, me on guitar or bass och tetsuo on the same... Urb, you'll be the singer! And I'll write the lyrics!
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-27 21:25:44 UTC
in MUSICIANS - Your Gear Post #246750
Fourth, I think you should sit down when you learn, when you can play a bit, try to stand up and do it!

There are some really cheap and nice guitar packages out there, I think Squier has a few cool ones. If you're gonna get a squier I think you should get a Telecaster. Squiers are cheap, and a Telecaster has a much simpler design then the Stratocaster which mean there is fewer parts they can mess up. the Telecaster is also a really, really, really, really, really great guitar!

Tetsu0; oh, you're one of them rest-the-palm-against-the-bridge kinda guy? Im more brutal myself! Im just swinging away like Im punshing someone who's giving me a blowjob! It feels good and it sounds better for the stuff that Im playing!
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-27 07:19:28 UTC
in MUSICIANS - Your Gear Post #246694
Forth, no it's no too late! If you're dedicated you can become really good at the guitar!

And teaching yourself is the way to go!

Buy some gear and learn how to tune your guitar, and then just use tabs!
There is also some good tutorial video on Youtube and such. So just use those for help!

I thought myself how to play, and now Im really fucking good, if I may say so myself. Although I don't know the theory stuff. I just know how to play, so I don't know any scales and stuff, it just didn't suit me, if it sounds good itsounds good, no matter what scale it is!

So I say, fuck theory, just learn how to play!
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-26 15:09:46 UTC
in HUD Color Generator Post #246655
Great idea! You should have used the Spirit DLL, though.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-26 15:08:26 UTC
in MUSICIANS - Your Gear Post #246654
Yeah, tube amps are the shit!

When ever I get a tube amp it wi either be a Vox, Fender or a Marshall...
Most likely a Vox, though.

@Testu0, you're one of them Ibanez and Mesa Boogie kinda guy, huh? :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-25 01:55:56 UTC
in MUSICIANS - Your Gear Post #246568
Awesome! :)

I think Im gonna get a twelve channel mixer, jusy because they look cooler! :)
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-25 00:49:02 UTC
in MUSICIANS - Your Gear Post #246563
Yeah, like the four top strings :)

Then you just don't get a lot of money! :P

But Im also pretty broke for the moment. Gonna be a while untill I can get some new stuff!

But the next items on my list is:
A tube pre-amp
A four - twelve channel mixer
A mic for vocals
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-24 23:54:50 UTC
in MUSICIANS - Your Gear Post #246559
No pic, I've got a video made for the Swedish ukulele kommission that I could show you, though!

A ukulele can be tuned in many different way!

There is the standard, wich is:
A(high) D F# B
You can how ever use a long A string!

And there is the American tuning
Which is quite useless if you're playing a song with other instruments as well!

And then there's different tunings for baryton and tenors and all that!

I keep my sopranos in ADF#B and my Tenor in DGBE !:)

My new ukulele:

And where do I get all the money?
I work! :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-24 23:21:11 UTC
in MUSICIANS - Your Gear Post #246554
I got myself a new ukulele! :D A Br?ko K-50 ^^

It's a tenor uke.

It's bloody amazing!

...I also got myself a bass guitar :) Fender P-bass ripoff, it's not the best but it's something! :) And a 130W bassamp to go with it! :)
User posted image
User posted image
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-20 11:57:07 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #246026
This looks awesome!
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-19 14:33:03 UTC
in Cat-Life HL1 Mod Recruiting Post #245982
So, what kind of music do ye want? ;)
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-17 22:46:15 UTC
in Mdl file compile problem. help sir~ Post #245860
You sir, are not making much sence.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-12 07:10:40 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #245512
Cool squid, rimmy! :D
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-09 04:52:58 UTC
in different wall glitch Post #245352
The grid is your friend, use it! :P

I remember when I was new to mapping, I felt limited by the grid. But you learn to use everything.

I had an error, just like yours, it was on a pillar. A cylinder with 10 sides and one of the sides went gone! I gave it a lot of thought and then I deleted the pillar and replaced it with another cylinder just like the non-working one. And then it worked!

It's hard to explane what sometimes happens, but usualy when an error like that appears, it can help by just doing something random like that.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-08 23:20:32 UTC
in different wall glitch Post #245340
Well, first off. You should try and fix it on your own.

Try creating the same structure without using the pre-made shapes.
Try turning it into a func_wall.
Try messing around with the scale of the textures.

Just try and fix it on your own first, and then tell us what you have tried and what you think is the problem.

Personaly, I think you should create the structure on your own, insted of using the pre-made shapes. It always works best.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-08 16:37:40 UTC
in IDEA for a map (not a complaint) Post #245313
Well, if you gave all the enities a physical shape in the map it would go smoother... And have a narrator explaning everything as you go along.

So yeah, it's a good idea but it's not very practical.