Forum posts

Posted 8 years ago2016-05-18 20:27:23 UTC
in Texture for Goldsrc needed Post #330154
hmm like those?
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Posted 8 years ago2016-05-13 19:54:30 UTC
in Fitting model to grid Post #330115
heh thx Ctrl-B did snap it right what i couldnt do by hand o-0
anyway got the position just still shows some minor errors

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Think this is just the rendering engine? (did export two objeckts not welded as one smd and it shows same thing just in the game)

btw i use openGL on steam version dont know why but i cant set direckt3D ;/

And THX everyone for supporting this issue XD
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-11 18:49:38 UTC
in Fitting model to grid Post #330094
Did export the dxf file for the first cube and it was perfect in the 3d app,
exporting it to mdl and viewing in hammer was the problem :(

Sledge? hmm at this point going for a different editor that i dont know just to test something minor that might even not work :( eh i just dont want to move from hammer XD anyone can confirm that its the editor issue??

btw it looks like this problem dosnt happen in hammer 4.1 for source.
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-11 13:18:49 UTC
in Fitting model to grid Post #330090
Possibly but learning a new editor just to check its alot for me atm XD
If someone can make this work on lets say jackhammer or something else
give it a shout ;]
btw im using Valve Hammer Editor 3.5.2 hmm did somone try it on 3.5.3?
3.5.3 is the newest right?
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-11 12:33:29 UTC
in Fitting model to grid Post #330088
hmm yea after some trial and error i thought it's just the old engine limitation :( this style of LA just dosnt work here.
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-11 10:45:57 UTC
in Fitting model to grid Post #330086
Oh no the pivot is in midle of the model and the model is 32 unitcube
the problem isnt it rendering or lighting just fitting by position.
Models made in in boundaries of a grid 64x64x64 with pivot on the grid dont fit :(

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I think its just the engine thing/limitation, correct me if i'm wrong
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-10 21:41:52 UTC
in Fitting model to grid Post #330084
Hi, i was thinking to get models as modules in my map but i noticed they don't fit ..even using a base cube model 32x32x32 i can't get it to fit like brush didnt use models like this in gold source so i guess this just is a common problem on the old engine?

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jpg images
Posted 8 years ago2016-02-26 19:52:06 UTC
in Lighting prop models? Post #329033
anyone source 2 ? :>
Posted 8 years ago2016-02-25 18:51:02 UTC
in Lighting prop models? Post #329021
It's a good way to do it, but keep in mind the max edicts limit of the hl engine if you are modding for Goldsource: 1 model= 1 light + 1 target + 1 light origin target + the model itself and the light... 6 edicts for each model, if I'm not wrong...
isnt this just for MP? btw didnt they fix it??

anyway still can't make custom light source for a model in editor ;(
Posted 8 years ago2016-02-25 14:28:01 UTC
in Light Shadow and models Post #329014
well first compile i did with VHLT was significantly different with ZHLT
VHLT gives more natural and smooth look to a map, colors shadows everything feeals improved. And you get some additional entities you can use in interesting way.
Posted 8 years ago2016-02-24 23:02:05 UTC
in Lighting prop models? Post #329010
Hmm i was just searching around tutorials and i found this at
ZHLT keyvalues
So i understand i can change the "light origin target" in brush entities
but at the end theres a note

"You can also use custom light origin for model-based entities"

soo...can i use same thing for monster_furniture, cycler? or is it something just for sven coop?? did i just misunderstood ;/
Posted 8 years ago2016-02-24 21:34:33 UTC
in Light Shadow and models Post #329009
Vluzacn's Half life tools
Wow 0-o thx didn't even know someone improved compiling tools in 2015.... and they work really great, solves a lot of the issues and gives some new possibilities :> thx
Posted 8 years ago2016-02-22 19:36:11 UTC
in Light Shadow and models Post #328982
I'd put the brush inside.
Take the texture scaling down on the floor to increase the shadow resolution
Ok Was a bit trial and error but i got the inside scale of the brush smaller and the ground texture scaled up, it works ;] THX
Just needs a bit of fiddling XD

Still...why dosnt zhlt Opaque (blocks light) react to the light ??
Posted 8 years ago2016-02-21 22:03:37 UTC
in Light Shadow and models Post #328973
What happens if you replace the non-entity brush with the entity brush?
well i get no shadows, just collision.
I'd put the brush inside.
still i get the model pitch black :(

And what about the zhlt Opaque (blocks light) creating the different shadow?

shame old source cant use hitboxes as a collision and statick shadowcasters XD
Posted 8 years ago2016-02-21 21:14:18 UTC
in Light Shadow and models Post #328969
Hi, i got some strange isues and searching a good solution ;]
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Why i get a different shadow with zhlt Opaque ?
And can i get a proper lighting on a model with casting static light?
Posted 8 years ago2016-02-19 15:09:42 UTC
in Playing music in Half-Life Post #328948
put 4 of the same ambient generics outside the fighting arena. tick the 'play everywhere' flag and it'll minimize the stereo effect.
Yeah i think this the best way to control the audio with gameplay THX ;]
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-17 21:03:23 UTC
in Playing music in Half-Life Post #328926
yea i need to figure it out XD the problem with ambient_generic is the wird stereo effeckt while moving around it and wav files are much larger in file size (not a game braking thing XD) still how to controll the fade in and out timing in game ?
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-17 19:34:55 UTC
in Playing music in Half-Life Post #328923
eh in the middle of the battle if i save and then load the music is gone.
I can't orchestrate the music with the gameplay when player loads or dies in the fight :( would need to disable player saves so player cant save after target_cdaudio is triggered.
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-17 18:10:24 UTC
in Playing music in Half-Life Post #328921
eh shame :( so i cant start an mp3 in my mod by a trigger in a boss battle and then stop it by killing the boss :(
btw good to have a gold source working forum where i can get a clear answer nowadays XD might be possible to finish my mod i didn't had time for :(
got more content if you guys whant to see :>
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-16 21:34:21 UTC
in Playing music in Half-Life Post #328907
Hi, i use target_cdaudio in my mod but when saving and reloading game it stops the track :( dosnt restart or continue the musick...
its rly anticlimactic in a gameplay :( is it possible to fix?

sry for reanimating the post ^^"