Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 14:02:45 UTC
in Train Post #33038
Hi SiI_3nC3!

Ger: Danke f?r das nette Angebot, aber ich denke das passt schon! ;)
Engl: Thx for the nice offer, but I think I can handle the german version!

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-12 05:51:19 UTC
in Train Post #32625
Hi There!

I need a file, that explains trains and stuff.
Know where to get one? :nuts:

(Wanna simulate a shuttleflight trough a bigger space-ship)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-08 19:00:24 UTC
in Doors - Help Me!!!! Post #31625
Linking will as well produce the problem that the doors can only be triggered. (from each other)
So I would need a multi just to open them somehow at all.

Is there no easy Way to create a twodirection SlideDoor?
Not possible!! :
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-08 18:44:14 UTC
in Doors - Help Me!!!! Post #31618
But when using Hammer, how can I reset the Angels when I already tied the 2 polys to one etinity?
And when creating them each for itself they won't be syncr.... :
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-08 18:22:25 UTC
in Doors - Help Me!!!! Post #31608
But then they'll go the same direction - and I want the doors to slide in different directions.... :(
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-08 18:15:02 UTC
in Doors - Help Me!!!! Post #31605

I know - Doors should be easy - very easy, but..
The Problem is that I want two doors that open and close syncr. with each other. I read somewhere placing two doors (my are sliding ones) would connect them. Hmm, doesn' work for me.
And I dont want to use switches.

Is there an really easy answer out there?

I really searched and searched the net, but no explanation - nowhere!!!
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-06 15:46:35 UTC
in Need help with Scripted-sequence Post #30860
Hi there!

I had problems while setting up my own boot-camp.
I reaaaallly searched a long long time for solving this problem, but didn't find any answers:

When I (for example) want to make a recruit some pushups,
(there's an animation for that, as most of u will know)
I get the problem, that he will stand up for a short time, and get down again.
---> Although there's nothing of that in the animation.

How can I stop this?
Looks really weard when using the jumping_jack animation,
if he gets back in old position between every single jump...
