Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-08-22 10:51:09 UTC
in Pity from the mapping gods Post #52817
another question, ok two then...Is it normal to have to type in my config and compile tools every time I load up Hammer? normal pcocedure APPLY then OK for each and save as default, etc. thxs.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-21 21:16:01 UTC
in Pity from the mapping gods Post #52656
error message" access denied by windows when I try to compile
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-21 21:09:50 UTC
in Pity from the mapping gods Post #52651
Whats also strange is when I create the initial square with the dotted lines in the top view then try to use the selection button on the left it makes my square disappear.Am I missing or overlooking something obvious? thx
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-21 21:00:21 UTC
in Pity from the mapping gods Post #52640
ok..first, i really appreciate everyones patience with a total beginner. My so-called solid brush has only four walls floor or ceiling. I set up my windows,select block tool, top view for a square,right click and create object and then hollow and thus the room with only four walls only...certainly like the pics on Andy's tutorial. Thanks again.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-21 20:35:16 UTC
in Pity from the mapping gods Post #52627
Is it possible to post a screenshot of my set up? A picture would surely be a better explanation? If so ..How? Thx
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-21 20:01:07 UTC
in Pity from the mapping gods Post #52615
This I understand, but I mean to set up my editor config. I mean..this seems silly but my rooms only appear in two dimensions e.g. Is it my basic config or compile config?? Do you suggest the Zoners compile tools or the compile tools woth 3.4?
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-21 19:07:07 UTC
in Pity from the mapping gods Post #52608
I am a complete Noob to mapping and growing more frustrated at my inability to construct a simple room. I've followed the tutorials to the letter, but still sucking...Does the console have to be enabled to work with Hammer 3.4?