Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-11-27 19:02:33 UTC
in Hammer 4.0 and HL2 Post #75118
Thanks, I sorta thought it had something to do with what you said, but as I'm new to mapping I wasn't sure. Thanks :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-27 18:57:01 UTC
in yet another newb question Post #75116
Just leave CS running in the back ground and alt tab into it and reload your map everytime u change it. Works for me :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-22 19:08:55 UTC
in Hammer 4.0 and HL2 Post #74338
I can't seem to find another topic with this problem, so I will ask. :)

I am very new to using hammer and have only tried doing very basic things. But currently I'm having a problem where if I load my map in couterstrike there are textures, but if I load my map in HL2 there are no textures, just this pink and black squares on everything. I dont know the full differences between a HL2 map and a CS:S map but I plan on making a single player mod so I assume I want to use HL2 to run it not CS:S.

Anyways, maybe someone can shed some light on this for me :)
