Forum posts

Posted 15 years ago2009-01-05 14:44:46 UTC
in Switching Sides Round after Round Post #261137
hah. thanks! I've asked this question several times over the years and never got an answer. This should do it! :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-04 21:52:21 UTC
in Switching Sides Round after Round Post #261116
In this thread, a similar question is asked, but i don't quite understand it.

In several counterstrike maps, the teams swap sides round after round. In awp_snowsk337, for example, one round, the terrorists will be the skeet, the CT's the awpers, and the next round, the CTs are the skeet and the terrorists are the awpers. I understand there's some tricks with teleportation involved, but I don't understand how to maintain state between rounds so that they actually toggle. Could anyone elaborate or provide further examples?
