Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-10-17 19:43:09 UTC
in Buy Zones Post #142081
Thanks a million! Now i can continue on my map! I feel soo stupid asking that question now that i know how simple the awnser was. :lol:
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-16 21:14:27 UTC
in Buy Zones Post #141900
Okay I have been searching for this all day and still haven't found a trace of whats going on. I went and made some buyzones for my map and textured em with the tools/tooltrigger texture and all that jazz but now when i load my map the brushes that were turned into buyzones are gone and i fall through the ground.... PLease help.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-20 06:37:29 UTC
in Error when compiling Post #91976
Hello everyone I am new to hammer. I recently made my first map which isnt much but its a start. My problem comes when I try to compile it. I get an error which states "Unable to find filesystem dll to load". Any help would be great.
