Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-04-29 09:16:22 UTC
in Running maps and mods from a shortcut Post #177324
Hi, just a quick update to say that I have plumbed the depths of the Map Vault and come up with a few single player gems, which I have added to the site. Have a look at

For the ones I picked out, I converted the splash screens where available to be steam compatible, with a link adjacent to the map as before.

I am looking forward to the huge batch of HL2 maps I also downloaded, if the creativity of the Half Life maps is anything to go by. Look for an update when I get through them in a couple weeks. :cool:
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-25 04:42:23 UTC
in More HL Single Player Mods Post #176610

Here are working links for all the best HL mods.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-12 11:28:26 UTC
in Running maps and mods from a shortcut Post #173771
That would be very cool. Thank you. :cool:
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-12 06:12:19 UTC
in Running maps and mods from a shortcut Post #173674
@Seventh-Monkey: I've added TWHL to the resources section. Sorry I didn't have it on there already, oversight on my part.

@Captain P: Yes, setting skill makes all the difference. Before I worked out how to do it from the command line, I had to start a new game and then load a map from there to get the right setting. A real hassle, especially for a games like Far Cry and HL2 where loading takes a long time.

The scrollbars are there because some lines are twice as long as the table. If I put a line break in the code then people might get confused about whether there's a space there or not, so, though it's not great looking, I think the scrollbar is the best way to do it.

Thanks for the feedback!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-11 09:30:25 UTC
in Running maps and mods from a shortcut Post #173470
Hi all,

I've put together a new website about mods and maps for some of our favourite games, including Half Life and Half Life 2. You can find it here:

The purpose of the site is to describe how to install and run mods and maps for various games and to list and link to the best available. You will also find information about upcoming mods, special mods and other resources.

Of possible interest to twhl will be the sections describing how to run mods and maps with skill settings from a shortcut without using the console or game menu. This will enable you to run all your mods directly from your start menu. The direct links for these sections are here: and here:

I hope you will all find it useful.