Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-04-29 12:08:48 UTC
in Lighting Fails Post #177336
Well I learned that if I use a sky brush then I can get spot_light Is Sky and light_environ to work. But if I don't use a sky brush is there no way to get the whole map to just have flat lighting anyways?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-29 00:05:47 UTC
in Lighting Fails Post #177279
Ok so I got texture lighting to work but env_light and spot_light w/ Is Sky still don't work. I just get a big black room.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-28 23:05:30 UTC
in Lighting Fails Post #177276
My problem is that my lighting isn't working...correctly. I can make a light or light_spot entity and press the brightness all the way up, but obviously, that looks horrible. The effect Is Sky w/ light_spot doens't work, texture lighting doens't work, and light_environment doens't work. My lights.rad file is in the same directory as my compile tools and is configured w/ the proper ZHLT compile tools, and my zhlt.wad is loaded. What am I missing?