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Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 12:36:54 UTC
in Hammer Trouble Post #193621
Hi- I'm not an expert but maybe this helps...

1) you don't have to func_wall every wall... normal objects are solid and can not be seen through

2) sometimes running via hammer can be tricksy- try running the program from the mod, after compiling with hammer

3) It may be possible to put too much stuff in a map- certainly if it is a func_wall... I think these don't get "vis"d so the computer tries to display them all the time, then masking them with nearer objects. I hope someone with more knowledge checks this but basically I think you want more normal objects and less func_walls.

4) If you have an inch-by-inch replica of your house you will have to remove quite a lot of detail. Small objects break up how the game displays surfaces they're in contact with... otherwise you may get more probs from memory space.

5) have you checked around for error pages and tuts that might help?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 12:22:18 UTC
in reset complex lift and globals problem!! Post #193620
Thank you for your help Elon,
some of it was hard to follow, but basically I've now got 2 sets of variables: upcall, downcall, upcalled, downcalled

In general:
upcall and downcall tell the lift if it can be called up or down (via multisources, these master the buttons)
upcalled and downcalled master subsequent movement- i.e. the lift doors closing triggering lift movement. This was put in to prevent the lift moving if it's initial position triggered any path corners...
maybe the second set of variables are more trouble than they are help... I don't know...

I think one prob was caused by my friendly bots... they seem to be able to wedge open locked doors... in a wierd wierd way.

Would it be of interest if I posted the map on problem maps?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-09 06:11:40 UTC
in reset complex lift and globals problem!! Post #192907
Andy's tutorial has a lift with moving doors that is the basic set-up of my lift. It also has env_globals that control when buttons can call the lift- as does mine.

As an extra complexity I have put in a security measure- the outer doors trigger the inner doors (the moving ones) and these trigger the lift to move. This ensures that the player can never wedge the doors with his body and watch the lift go its merry way without doors. :biggrin: This works fine in the first round. I've tried every way I can think of to mess it about and it copes. BUT second round the lift sometimes says goodbye to its doors, the wrong call buttons are often active and that implies the globals have not done there "set initial value" bit or the elevator/ elevator doors have kept moving as the round resets instead of going straight to their first stop target...

Can anyone help!? Congrats... end of post reached.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-08 16:10:25 UTC
in reset complex lift and globals problem!! Post #192860
have a CS map with lift triggered by doors and controlled by globals. Works fine on first run, then doesn't reset properly on new round. :aghast:
Do func_trains reset if they're moving?
Do env_globals reset their initial value?
Does running with bots only cause improper resets?
Please please help! Thank you. :cyclops: