Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2006-10-26 20:58:36 UTC
in creating a working outdoor map Post #201005
sorry for the double post, but i got it working, had a few brushes to modify and a couple entitys to move. thanks for the help guys
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-26 20:47:42 UTC
in creating a working outdoor map Post #201001
yeah, i just did that and its still leaking.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-26 19:27:26 UTC
in creating a working outdoor map Post #200994
so scrap the sky cube and make a celing outa skybox? ok ill try that, thanks
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-26 06:26:40 UTC
in creating a working outdoor map Post #200893
ok, semi noob question, in the map im making the player will enter via a yard and make his way to some indoor areas and eventually into a house. i have the landscape partally done and i have a 6 brush skybox surrounding the entire landscape. i also added a default light_enviroment in hopes to give some basic lighting for testing purposes. now of course leaks are present cause there is no ceiling to the landscape, and i attemted to compensate with a no draw box surrounding the landscape but inside the skybox. apon compiling (fast vis and rad) and loading up the map for a test, everything is completely black and i get tracers. i think i am doing something wrong with the nodraw box, and if i am how would i go about having a leak free outdoor landscape that has light?