Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-01-08 18:34:42 UTC
in Problem with the size of the map Post #209022
It shuld be the range of visivility...
OK thanks to all of you.
If someone have a new idea post it please.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-08 16:11:44 UTC
in Problem with the size of the map Post #209013
Im the soul keeper and I have a problem. Ive been using hammer for a while and Ive found this forum recently so I havent seen all the tutorials yet. Well my problem start when I play again the USS dark star
and I realise that the size of the ship of the begining scene, was far more big than the custom size that hammer give me to use.
So the cuestion is: How can I do the size of my map biger ???

Forgive me if this has already been discussed in another post or if it is incorrect. Thanks to all of you.

The soul keeper