Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-01-09 10:30:44 UTC
in Brain Bread Mapping & Entity list? Post #209101
Hmm, Will try looking through there again, Actually I came across this site Googling for "Brain Bread" +mapping +entities. Still glad I found this site though, It's very handy.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-09 09:56:42 UTC
in Brain Bread Mapping & Entity list? Post #209089
Have recently finally moved on up from dusty ol' Q2 to the HL engine and have noticed you have the HL and CS entity lists up, But what of the Brain Bread entitys? I'm particularily interested in the way they act and any 'tricks' one can do by messing around with the advanced edit on each. (Assuming one is using the Valve Hammer).

Also, I had a neat idea to prevent zombies sticking on things, And tricks for zombies..
  • Using 'trigger_monsterjump' to get zombies to 'LUNGE' at you from different spots. Say, Out of a closet or dark hallway. Combined with a trigger_once or trigger_multiple and a zombie spawnpoint, This could be fun.
  • Instead of putting zombie player spawns where zombies typically start, Make a 'ready room' of sorts with teleports to take the zombies where they'd be most needed to harass the players, As seen in some good CS or HL maps.
  • Use monster clip bruses at the edges/walls of rooms that players can pass through, But that will keep zombies from getting stuck on walls when following the player, Or around doors to prevent bottlenecking.
Considering I've just started using the Hammer, These are just ideas. I'd still have to try them in my ow maps, But the same ideas work in the Quake engines, So how different could they be from the HL engine..