Hey guys,

My name is Treckie and have been mapping for awhile "woopie"

Im looking to talk to you guys regarding dod clasic information that you have.

Our clan (Hells Kitchen) is compiling all information ie: textures, wads,sprites,mdl,rmf,map,bsp,sound,tutorials, etc that we can get our dirty little hands on.

The site we are creating will be a public site open to all. We are doing this because of the large numbers of files that are starting to disapear from the web forever.

If you would be able to help by alowing us to copy any of the dod clasic information that you have on your site would be apreactiated.

If you would be able to pass the word on to any map makers out there that would like there map or files used in map making to be archived this would be great.

You can contact me via email at treckie@ithinkit.com or re post here.

Thanks for the hard work your group has done in the past years helping all map makers.

Yours Truly