Forum posts

Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 15:18:11 UTC
in trigger_multiple once per round Post #297360
i searched about this and couldn't find anything.

i want trigger multiple to give a weapon once per round (not every 10 sec like it does on default) how do i do it?
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-03 11:48:36 UTC
in stripping weapons Post #297307
i made multi manager, named it "game_playerspawn", made player_weaponstrip, named it strip, made game_player_entity, named it game, went to multi manager, turned smart edit off, added strip with 0.5, game with 0.8.

problem: sometimes it doesnt strip off weapons after a round (like 50% chance, for example some1 picked up armour entity with m4a1, then next round he still has it) and sometimes it takes away ur weapon, but u cant pick up any weapons (the m4a1 on the ground). what am i doing wrong?
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-24 19:38:36 UTC
in triangle floor method Post #249144
ive read a tutorial here on how to make realistic floors using triangles. ive tried and it was successful up to the vertex manipulation part, it went wrong after that. tried everything but still i get f'd up triangles (nowhere near what is i in the tutorial/what it should be). so can someone link me to another tutorial or explain it more thoroughly? :D. thanks
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-17 16:36:51 UTC
in few minor problems Post #222451
@ kasperg

you know how when u compile normally with zhlt and then if u play the map on ur server other ppl cant join because they need wads? well thats the only reason i use batch compiler cuz it gets rid of that, but since it fucked up my quantaty im wondering how do you use the nowadtextures with zhlt?

@tjb can you be a bit more specific plz, with targets n stuff, and do i need to set any flags? cuz it didnt work :|

Posted 17 years ago2007-05-17 10:09:34 UTC
in few minor problems Post #222409
first one is :

if you open the pic you can see that when the door slides it leaves annoying texture/walls bugs which are ugly :(

is there anyway i can fix this other than making the door smaller vertically by 1 unit?

second one is :

for some reason that part of the wall is ugly and dark and stands out from all the other walls, tried lots of different ways to fix it but it wont work

third one is when i compiled my map with batch compiler it changed some things, for example in that map i put a armour entity thing or something and i set it to lets say para (m249 or w/e) and i put the quantaty to 20, it works fine when i compile with zhlt but when i compile with batch compiler it changes the quantaty to 1 for some reason :| any way to fix it? or can someone tell me how to compile without including wads in zhlt?

thx for any help
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-26 18:22:16 UTC
in map crashes Post #220212
i know its odd, never had this be4, and no, all other maps work just fine

but as soon as i started building this new map its been doing that...
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-26 16:44:36 UTC
in map crashes Post #220202
well ok so my map compiles with zhlt right? it loads cs after and then you gotta choose a team, thats when my map crashes, but if i load cs normally without zhlt automatically loading it, it doesnt crash after i choose the team, only sometimes after like 20 minutes of play... weird error, what could be the cause?