Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-05-10 03:27:45 UTC
in Compiling HL2 models Post #221566
A friend of mine followed a similar tutorial just a while ago and got the results he desired. I have a very nasty feeling this might just hate my computer.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-09 18:17:50 UTC
in Compiling HL2 models Post #221529
It is wireframe in game.

The really odd thing about the modelviewer is it shows black/pink checkered texture when wireframe is selected, this wireframe thing for smoothshaded and textured, and a green box for bone weights.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-09 16:49:13 UTC
in Compiling HL2 models Post #221519
all the custom models i have tried. Ok, heres the QC:

$modelname "test/box.mdl"
$model "Body" "test.smd"
$cdmaterials "models/test/"
$hboxset "default"
$surfaceprop "metalpanel"
$sequence idle "test_idle" fps 30.00
$collisionmodel "test_collision.smd" {
$mass 9.0
$inertia 1.00
$damping 0.00
$rotdamping 0.00

the collision model variables are just from a model i decompiled for an example.
User posted image
Still havnt worked out how to zoom in model viewer!
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-09 09:49:12 UTC
in Compiling HL2 models Post #221493
Its pretty much the same. The materials are in the correct directory, as are the models.

If i was take away a material, or mess up the vmt, the model would have the pink/black checkerboard texture.

The tutorial i have followed contains making a simple box, texture doesnt seem to work (has the wireframe oddness) but the collision model definately works.

Before doing the box i tried my knowledge from compiling weapons to compile a fairly complex coathanger. This showed up in hammer (with the checkerboard effect) and then dissapeared when running the map.

ah, just realised thats because i didnt put "$model" 1 in the vmt for the coathanger.

Either way, the wireframe thing still persists.

Please help!
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-09 08:35:16 UTC
in Compiling HL2 models Post #221488
Ok, i have followed a number of tutorials covering creating static and physics models, and I still cant get them to work properly.

I have so far managed to replace the hands, crowbar and w_crowbar model and those work fine (well, w_crowbar was a little off for physics) so my modelling/compiling/material skills are pretty much capable of this.

Whenever i try to compile a static or physics model following the exact instructions of these tutorials, the best result i have had so far is the model showing up but with a "wireframe" (well, imagine a wireframe but minus the backfaces).

Im completely stuck as to what to try now, and dont really have all that much time to experiment (damn coursework). Anyone know what i might be doing wrong, and how to fix it?