Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2007-10-19 03:01:03 UTC
in Lighting Issues Post #236639
I guess different people have different ways of applying light.
But if i add lights via info_texlight is it possible to add other appearance's like a flicker or strobe? if so how.
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-19 02:01:07 UTC
in Lighting Issues Post #236637
Any tutorials for a noob on the ligh.rad file?
My other topic i made here said im extremely new to mapping. Go easy on me :)
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-19 00:52:54 UTC
in Lighting Issues Post #236635
Rightio i read the lighting tutorial in HL Intermediate

Well i wanted to try the texture lights because i don't like the look of entity lights, they shine from outta nowhere! lol.

Anyways i went to entity click info_texlights and added it into the map then i selected it right click and went to properties and got this
User posted image
Is that spose to be like that? i dont think it is... i mean wheres the options?

i downloaded my fdg from this fella:
is it possible his fdg has got missing options?

If so where the best place to download a full expert CS fdg?

Thanks in advance.
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-18 22:13:45 UTC
in Missing Testures. Post #236632
I'm getting an error while testing my map ingame.
It happened about 30 seconds after i loaded it and was walking about.

lightmap for texture aaatrigger to large (25 x 17 = 425 luxels); cannot exceed 324

I have only 1 light entity and so far i've only added textures on the floor and ZHTL's null texture on the outside of the "box/map"
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-18 20:58:54 UTC
in Missing Testures. Post #236620
Don't worry found my leak!
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-18 17:19:02 UTC
in Missing Testures. Post #236602
Ok i think i get it now, i think.
If i apply a brush with the texture "sky" then goto map properties and change enviro map to lets say alien1 when i compile and play the sky will be the texture alien1?

It also says in the tutorial that a boxed in map like the example is not a good idea, whats the best idea?

Posted 16 years ago2007-10-18 17:01:45 UTC
in Missing Testures. Post #236600
Hey there,
The tutorials i've found here have been superb!
Anyways i extremely new to HL mapping, well more CS 1.6 then HL.
Ok, well i may be missing a few textures.

I cannot find any other sky textures apart from "sky".

In this tutorial:
It says the i have a whole list of sky textures, but i cannot find them.

The wads i have are cstrike.was halflife.wad and zhlt.wad

What other wads should i add to get more sky textures?