Forum posts

Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 16:56:50 UTC
in Bad Surface extents problem Post #268870
Ok, I've kept troubleshooting and I think I've come up with something. It's not the hlrad process that's screwed up it's the hlvis process. If I compile the map without hlrad, the objects which aren't rendered doesn't even exists if I skip hlrad. So I think the error lies in the '-fast' hlvis option. But I still hate compiling without the '-fast' command if I just want to test the map, does anyone have any solutions to that?
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 16:08:33 UTC
in Bad Surface extents problem Post #268866
No, that's now what I meant. The hl engine turns all functions and triggers invisible when you run a map. But in the bsp itself the functions and triggers are rendered. If the triggers/fucntions aren't rendered you will receive 'bad surface extents' error since they don't have a texture, they are completely white. And I want to find the reason why the triggers aren't rendered in the bsp which thereafter causes this error.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 15:09:44 UTC
in Bad Surface extents problem Post #268863
trigger_push, but now when you mention it... I think maybe all trigger_teleports aren't rendered. I can make a list:
1 func_buyzone isn't rendered
7 trigger_teleports aren't rendered
2 func_ladders aren't rendered
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 14:45:07 UTC
in Bad Surface extents problem Post #268861
Beneath the trigger_teleport there is a 'sky' bottom.

I'm not sure that I understand what you mean, but it's supposed to be a texture which indicates that this object is a trigger/function...

In-game, yes, triggers aren't rendered, but in BSPViewer they are. The triggers/functions which aren't rendered/textured in BSPViewer are the ones which receives the 'bad surface extents' error. So I'm sure the error lies there unless CS specify wrong coordinates.

And yes I've checked with ALT+P but I'll try to get the compile log asap.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 12:51:57 UTC
in Bad Surface extents problem Post #268858
No, that's definitely not the problem. It is and old map which I resumed working on just a few days ago. Back when I made it I didn't even know about the text tool. And the blocks which aren't rendered are all using the aaatrigger texture. I've definitely not resized its scale since it's useless because all entities are invisible...
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 11:20:10 UTC
in Bad Surface extents problem Post #268850

I'm working on a surf map and it's nearly finished. Right now It's around 71 000 base patches so I'm running the compiler with the "-sparse" setting, so I'm afraid that the problem is caused because I'm exceeding 65535 patches. Though I'm not sure, and that's why I'm asking for you expertise!

I can compile my map successfully without any errors but when I create a server and run the map on CS I receive the "bad surface extents" error. "Bad surface extents 640/0 at position (72, -2480, 2312)" to be exact. I've located the position in Nem's bspviewer and It seems that the error is occurs where the texture isn't rendered.

To explain the phrase "isn't rendered" I have a screenshot to demonstrate the error:

These are my compiler settings:

hlcsg.exe" -wadautodetect -wadinclude custom.wad -high
hlbsp.exe" -high
hlvis.exe" -fast -estimate -high
hlrad.exe" -estimate -nomatrix -sparse -high

And for your notice: there aren't any problems with the wads, all textures are included so the problem probably lies in the hlrad process.