Forum posts

Posted 15 years ago2008-12-20 03:04:23 UTC
in The Free Texture Thread! Post #260332
Cool textures. is definitly yor best bet.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-31 04:00:32 UTC
in Compiling Issues - Phys boxes Post #254788
Okay, now it says:
WARNING: Error with convex elements of house_phys2.smd, building single convex!!!!
So that's the problem right there... So I'm going to go back, export the physbox again and see what happens...
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-30 02:43:28 UTC
in Compiling Issues - Phys boxes Post #254738
Alriiighty then, yet another compile error thread, woohoo.

Anyway, when compiling a little house I made:
User posted image
with a nice little optomized phys box that looks like so in XSI:
User posted image
I get a phys box like this:
User posted image
So, we seem to have some convex/concave issues here, or optimisation stuff.

So, the QC File:

[quote]$modelname House01/House01.mdl

$scale 1

$body "Body" "house_1.smd"

$cdmaterials "models/house01/"

$surfaceprop "concrete"

$collisionmodel "house_phys2.smd"

$sequence "idle" "house_1" fps 30

Any ideas?