Forum posts

Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 16:55:06 UTC
in Disable HEV Suit "message" Post #265535

HEV_AAx fvox/bell, HEV_logon, powerarmor_on, atmospherics_on,vitalsigns_on, automedic_on, weaponselect_on, munitionview_on, communications_on, safe_day
HEV_A0 fvox/bell, HEV_logon

HEV_A1 fvox/blip blip(p130) powermove_on
HEV_A2 fvox/blip blip powerarmor_on
HEV_A3 fvox/blip blip(p130) atmospherics_on
HEV_A4 fvox/blip blip vitalsigns_on boop, boop, boop
HEV_A5 fvox/blip blip(p130) munitionview_on
HEV_A6 fvox/blip blip communications_on
HEV_A7 fvox/blip blip(p70) weaponselect_on
HEV_A8 fvox/blip blip(p70) automedic_on
HEV_A9 fvox/fuzz power_level_is onehundred percent
HEV_A10 fvox/safe_day, bell

What shall I do here? Should I comment these lines altogether?
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 16:44:36 UTC
in Disable HEV Suit "message" Post #265532
Hi there,

I was wondering if it is at all possible to prevent the message that says "Welcome to the H.E.V. mark IV protective system for use in
hazardous..." when the player picks up the suit.
I wanted to make a map where the player starts with the suit and I wanted to give the idea that the suit came from before (you already put it on somewhere in the past, though that same past is not part of the game lol). So, I would need the suit to shut up :D

Can anyone help me? :)