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Posted 15 years ago2009-06-20 13:38:06 UTC
in Prefab Issue (Newbie Question) Post #268590
Never Mind I figured it out. For some reason using the coffee table prefab messes up a lot of stuff. I couldn't even compile the map. Took it out and everything works fine.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-20 01:16:42 UTC
in Prefab Issue (Newbie Question) Post #268556
Okay I've started making a map in Worldcraft 3.3 (Haven't gotten hammer yet long story) anyway I began adding prefabs to my map. Right now it's only one room but when I compile they don't show up. In the editor they're there but inside the map they aren't One is a table and one is a computer. I tested prefabs in another map and they show up fine, but in this map they don't. Any suggestions?