Forum posts

Posted 14 years ago2010-02-20 21:50:52 UTC
in Seaching for a Coder for Counter-Strike Post #279133
Sure huntey,
don't know the difference between Sven Co-op and Left 4 Dead?
If not, no need to reply to this thread for games you haven't play or heard about.
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-19 22:06:45 UTC
in Seaching for a Coder for Counter-Strike Post #279108
Named Bend3R?
He have quit develop on it because of he get nothing in return and he is too busy with his current job, did he told me for about 1 year ago.
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-19 21:51:03 UTC
in Seaching for a Coder for Counter-Strike Post #279106

I've try find a coder which have knowledge in HL1 SDK, in 2 years now, but there is too few of such people today.
Anyway, this project is about new entities and monsters (Co-op) to Counter-Strike 1.6.
Very familiar to Sven Co-op (v3.0)
A project already exist which can do this MonsterMod by Botman.
But, these (the monsters) act really stupid and in need of a new developer.
Botman have left this project. Last update was 2002.
Last time I've heard from Botman was in April, 2004.
And I would like to bring back with a better version.

The reason why I want to bring this to Counter-Strike 1.6 is because I like it. And I've play around with Botman's MonsterMod in it, I really enjoy it.
Except from these problems the monsters have.

Examples of the problems:
1) If you stay behind a wall, and its able to reach the player just if the monster want to go around the corner. But it won't, its just idling there until the player move straight to it.

2) Monsters get knocked backwards if you shoot them. Every hit.

3) If you keep shoot them when they play the death sequence, they just disappear.

I hope someone have any interest and would like to work with me.
I'm reachable via MSN, e-mail and Steam Friends.
Just leave me a PM.