Hi there,
I created trimesh for hammer 3.5. It is another type of solid which is perfert for creating terrain.
This is how it looks like in hammer:
And ingame:
It is a replacement for wedge, so you can find it in solids menu between block and cylinder. Faces parameter defines how many splits will be made on each side - for faces=4 a trimesh 4x4 will be created with total of 32 faces (2 triangles for each square).
Editing trimesh with vertex tool is way easier than editing bunch of tetrahedrons. (Only limitation i know - you can't snap or create new vertices)
Under trimesh one extra vertex is created - it defines point from trimesh brushes will be created (after compiling / saving to .map):
If you move it too close to trimesh, compilation will fail because of this (twisted tetrahedrons):
Installation is easy - just backup your hammer.exe and copy files from hammer_trimesh.zip.
(hammer.exe in archive is already modified by vluzacn's float point coord and 8196 grid enablers)
this is exprimental, use at your own risk
all credits for float point coords and 8196 grid belongs to vluzacnn