Forum posts

Posted 8 years ago2015-11-11 19:51:42 UTC
in How do I edit view models to make them r Post #327443
Thanks 2muchvideogames it works fine if you run as admin :)
Posted 8 years ago2015-11-11 14:17:19 UTC
in How do I edit view models to make them r Post #327441
Hey guys, ever played Counter-Life ?

For those of you who haven't grab it here

they mention that you can use any weapon models from CS 1.6 as replacements for the classic ones, thing is, as you all know, CS vew models (V_) are always left handed, however in CS you can use "cl_righthand 1" to fix that...

Thins is, this mod doesn't have anything like that, so you'd have to edit the models yourself, even in the version history they mentioned "all weapons right handed now" in one of the earlier betas...

How would I go about doing that ? - I have no experience in this kind of stuff. Go easy on me :)
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-02 22:22:51 UTC
in Problems with sound packs Post #325464
@Qwertyus - so if I were to take every single custom sound I'd ever use and convert it to 22050kHz with the settings mentioned everything thing would be fine, right ? - also, I'm using the steam version, no problems you say - go to c3a2d, after a while, see if you can hear anything else besides the ambient sound of the teleporter - you won't even be able to hear your own footsteps, let alone gun shots... - while I will admit that Xash3D fixes those problems, (well, I know this should be a new topic all together, but) as far as I know it doesn't support custom detailed textures, (from mods like, Half-Life: Gold Single Player) and getting that texture pack to work seems impossible, we're talking thousands of files you might have to rename, and some of them have to be duplicated, and, just... I can't seem to do it right, plus it seems as if it was made only with steam support in mind (no WON based stuff, like Xash), so, any other good texture packs that work ok under xash ? - also, since we're talking WON stuff, what would be the best settings for ripping the cd soundtracks at the highest quality while getting them to play fine under xash, for a program like, say, "Exact Audio Copy" ?
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-02 17:07:12 UTC
in Problems with sound packs Post #325462
well, let's just say I have my own ways, so, got a registerd copy of goldwave 6.10, though, what are the right settings for the batch processing window ? there's PCM, signd and unsigned / microsoft pcm, or whatever, so many of them, how do I do it right ? - I'm a complete noob when it comes to sound stuff, so try and go easy on me here :)
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-02 09:46:58 UTC
in Problems with sound packs Post #325459
hm, I just checked the "making custom sounds" tutorial for hl1, it says you can also use 16 bit @ 22khz, is that true? also, an idea for a program that does a batch operation with these ? I mean we're talking like, 300 sounds or so, if I do it one by one I'll be here all weekend, lol :)
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-02 08:50:44 UTC
in Problems with sound packs Post #325457
In that case, how can I properly convert the sounds so that they sound as good as they can without braking things ? / witch program to use and what settings ?
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-30 12:35:33 UTC
in Problems with sound packs Post #325441
Hey guys, have you ever used the "HL Overhaul pack" ? -

...or the "Diamond pack" ? -

they both come with lots of custom in-game sounds, witch seams fine and all, but instead, most of the time they end up cutting each other off and even stopping npc dialog, or even, stoping most sounds from playing, to the point where I can't even hear my own gun shots / fpptsteps, at points like that only ambient sounds seem to play, well, that, and music... HELP !

Thanks in advance :)