Forum posts

Posted 21 years ago2003-05-19 17:50:10 UTC
in Vertex Manipulation & valid solid textur Post #735
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-19 17:45:51 UTC
in Vertex Manipulation & valid solid textur Post #734
I just did some vertex manipulation on two walls in a hallway with the texture C2A4_PAN2... And I got a error message saying it is not a valid solid texture and then the walls dissapeared... But if I keep the wall plain, it works.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-19 16:27:17 UTC
in Doors and Trains Post #736
Howdy hoe, folks!

How do I make a door to follow the train... Like in the intro of the original Half-Life? Is there a way to combine the func_door and func_train or do I need to use a env_global? ...but I don't want to use the env_global to load a new map 'cos it's a Deathmatch map I'm creating...
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-19 14:46:15 UTC
in .rad Post #741
Yes, I have... I use Hammer 3.4... Does that matter?
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-19 14:34:15 UTC
in .rad Post #739
Why doesn't my lights.rad & valve.rad render texture lightning... The list of the textures that will give light is there...
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-18 09:39:52 UTC
in Multisource???? Post #747
I have created this very cool map.. But there's only one little detail missing in it. In one of the elevators there's some normal lights, but when I press the button to make the elevator go up I want to change the lights from normal to pulsating lights... How can I do this?
An example of this is in Unreal Tournament, the map Phobos Moon has this in the huge elevator...